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What we’re about

Real Estate Education and Networking - Local and Global Community
All details here - Santa Barbara REIA
and here - Joint Venture Land Deals

Join our SB REIA Meetup - it's Free - you must register here through Meetup for all meetings so we can get a good attendance count. If it's your first time you get in free, if not then it's $10 online through our website above not through Meetup or $20 at the door.

If you are starting your investing with only $1,000 why start with no information or education when you can network with Santa Barbara millionaires! They will give you some very good advice of what to do and what not to do. They didn't get there without making some very expensive mistakes that you can now avoid by learning from them.

Dan Ringwald, is the President of the Santa Barbara Real Estate Investors Association. He created the SB REIA in 2008 as a community service project for education and networking on real estate investing. His goal is to provide the best for less and that's why it's FREE and Online all the Time. - see all the past videos and educational information. Videos are great but you can't network and you can't ask those all important questions. Dan met a Santa Barbara multimillionaire private lender at a REIA meeting and he got a private loan which was used to pay down his credit card debt. That moved his credit score from 612 to 800 in 90 days. It was a private loan so it did not show up on his credit. He paid off his credit cards and they had no clue it came from a private loan. Da, where does someone just come up with a $100,000 to pay off credit card debt? That qualified him to refinance his primary home and one of his rentals in Santa Barbara and paid off his private lender all at the same time. That is the power of networking and real estate education!

Why Use SB REIA ?
More attendees means better networking - More attendees means better Speakers - Speakers want proof of attendance or they will not speak - If you are a first timer you get in free - It will expand your Networking
You can show what services you have to offer - You can see what services others have to offer - See who is attending our Meetings - Show others you will be attending so they can meet you - Find other Meetups you might like go to
Find out more about our Meetings - See pictures of past meetings - Ask questions about the meetup to other members - SB REIA is your club too, so help build it - It's FREE to be a Meetup member!

Problems Registering - Call or Text Dan Ringwald - 805-242-3004 any time with any questions