What we’re about
If you identify as sapphic and want to meet and get to know other sapphics in the Jersey City area, this group is for you. Brunch, coffee, walks and other events to come!
We are gender-inclusive and welcoming to trans, non-binary and gender-nonconforming sapphics. TERFS are not welcome. We also welcome bisexual and pansexual folks and other sexual identities so long as you identify as sapphic. We do NOT tolerate man-bashing in the Meetup or WhatsApp groups, as many of our members are bi, pan and/or poly with male partners and/or metamours and/or are masc-leaning themselves.
We are also very diverse in makeup, as we have members in theirs 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s and even 60s, as well as members of varying ethnic and racial backgrounds, members who speak foreign languages, members who have lived in and/or grown up in different parts of the world, members who go to various churches (or don't follow religion at all), etc., etc. Again, if you identify as sapphic, you're welcome here!
You're also welcome to join if you don't live in Jersey City; just know most events are located here.
Currently, we run:
- After-work socials every other Thursday
- Sapphic Sunday crafting events most weeks at Whole Foods JC
We're always looking to add new events, so send the organizer a note if you have ideas you want to share!