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What we’re about

Hey there beautiful! This group brings Christian ladies in their 30s, 40s, 50s and up together! Singled or married - if you're in the metro Detroit area let’s hangout and build each other up as sisters in Christ!!! NOTE: Due to an incident with a man joining the group we have added an approval setting to ensure only women members. 😊

Join in on some or all of our future events

  • Saturday brunches
  • Fitness events
  • Movie nights
  • Concert meetups
  • Faith based events
  • Community service projects
  • Book reads (spiritual, professional development, and fictional)

What this group IS about

  • Having FUN!!!
  • Building community with other Metro Detroit Christian ladies
  • Showing the love of Christ in our community
  • Encouraging each other in our faith journey

What this group is NOT about

  • Making people feel low about where they are in their journey with God
  • Persuading individuals to join a particular church
  • Pushing products or services on individuals

Annual Group Member Support Fee
In order to keep our meetup group running smoothly with minimal expenses associated to our group organizers there is an annual $8 support fee however please note new members have 3 months to explore the group before being asked to contribute.