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What we’re about

The Siberian Husky, Samoyed, and Alaskan Malamute are all breeds directly descended from the original "sled dog". The term "husky" is a corruption of the nickname "Esky", which was once applied to the Eskimos, and subsequently to their dogs.

Siberian Huskies are still used as sled dogs today. Siberians are popular in races restricted to purebreds and are faster than other pure sled dog breeds such as the Samoyed, and the slower but much stronger Alaskan Malamute. The breed tends to be divided along lines of "racing" Siberians and "show" Siberians. Racing Siberians tend to have more leg to enable them more reach when running. Show Siberians tend to be a bit smaller.
Apart from sled racing, Siberians are very popular for recreational mushing and are also used for dog-packing and hiking. Due to the lack of snow in our area, our dogs are mainly run on local trails using specially designed scooters in the sport is called urban or dryland mushing. This is a great hobby and sport for our dogs and gives them the opportunity to do what they were originally bred to do!

The purpose of this meetup group is to provide you and your dog(s) the opportunity to get the physical exercise they NEED to live a happy and well-balanced lifestyle. ALL breeds are welcome to join the group, especially our northern breed cousins. If your dog is not a northern breed, they MUST be at least 40 pounds as huskies do have a higher prey drive so it's important all husky owners feel comfortable participating in all activities. We love our dogs and want to provide a safe environment for dogs to socialize and help educate people on the benefits of exercising their dogs regularly.

***** PLEASE DO NOT use this group as a means for finding a Breeding Mate or as a resource for Selling Puppies. There is a ZERO TOLERANCE policy for such activity and you will be immediately banned...forever!*****

We are NOT a rescue Group! Members are encouraged to post about dogs looking for homes, fosters etc., but if you are joining solely as a means to get rid of your dog, then this is not the place for you. Again, we are not a rescue! We can refer you to groups and/or ideas on how to re-home your dog if necessary...but the hope is that you're here because you want to keep your dog, not part with him/her!

All new members MUST have a photo of their dog and answer some basic questions to join. And you MUST have a dog to join as it is a dog group after all.

Please take a moment to read the group DISCLAIMERS:

--We are not professional guides and do not have certified training or insurance. Be aware, inherent hazards and risks are associated with walking, hiking and all other physical activities. You may participate with us in any activity but you do so at your own risk. You alone are responsible for your own safety and health. The more prepared you are, the better the chance you will remain safe. Your preparedness not only affects your safety but the safety and enjoyment of the whole group.

All events are held at you and your dog's own risk. By joining this group, you are agreeing to indemnify me and any other event host, and hold the event hosts harmless for whatever you, your dogs, your guests, may experience or cause at any of the events.

As event hosts, we are not in charge of any of the events. We are merely participating in an activity ourselves and are simply inviting others to join in.

--You are responsible for your dogs' actions and their well-being so make it a priority to know if you and your dog's psychological & physical fitness levels are compatible with the chosen activity.

--For dog owners it is important to realize that not all places are open to our four-legged friends. I know it's hard to believe but not everyone loves dogs. We are, in fact, in the minority when compared with our non-dog-owning neighbors. As such, make sure your dog is a good citizen at events. Please respect others who are not members in the group, and respect the places we go to. Always pick up after your dog, and always keep your dog under your control!

This meetup group is not a substitute for proper socialization and obedience training. Your dog must be friendly with people and with other dogs.

Please note: Requesting membership to this group signifies you have read and agree to the terms of this group disclaimers.
Again, we are a group of people who LOVE our dogs (aka family members/best friends) and are looking to socialize with other people who feel the same way. Our goal is to spend more quality time with our dogs because, quite frankly, they deserve it! So go get your leash(es) and come join us!

***ANY member can host an event. So if there is an activity or location you'd like to do/go then let's do it!!***