What we’re about
The Seattle Dungeons & Dragons and RPG Meetup Group is a group run by volunteers, open to anyone who wants to play, teach, talk about, or learn about Role Playing Games in the Puget Sound area. We support Dungeons & Dragons of all editions and other Role-Playing Games (RPGs) like Dungeon Crawl Classics, Blades in the Dark, Monster of the Week, Savage World, Pathfinder, 13th Age, Tales from the Loop, Fate, Fiasco, Call of Cthulhu, Starfinder, or Star Trek Adventures.
We provided a positive, friendly, and welcoming space for all adventurers, regardless of class, race, gender, ability, age, or sexual identity.
We have multiple game events occurring monthly for anyone interested in playing various Role Playing Games, as well social events and workshop events.
Besides our events, here are some other places you may find some public play games: https://www.meetup.com/Seattle-Dungeons-and...
We are always looking to bring new people into the game and particularly want to encourage those who want to take the plunge to become a Dungeon Masters and run their owns games!
Or better yet, become an Event Organizer and help provide events for our community! Just reach out to the Leadership team.
Upcoming events (4+)
See all- [Online][DDEX2][L1] D&D Adventurer's League - Elemental Evil, 10th AnniversaryLink visible for attendees
Adventurer’s League is back in Seattle, online! Join us on a Discord server (hopefully along with Foundry Virtual Tabletop), as we jump into
the 10th anniversary of the publication of the Elemental Evil 5e storyline, every week.It is the 10th anniversary of the publication of the Elemental Evil 5e storyline and we're here to celebrate!
Just The Facts:
Play Start Time: 6:30pm (We are always open to helping new players. Show up at least 10 minutes before play if you need help creating a character). The first session (or two) will be session 0 (see below). This will be hosted on a Discord server.Tier: 1 Level 2, Players 4-6
Module Details: DDEX2-01 - City of Danger (3-4hrs) - Elemental Evil though DDEX2-16 Boltsmelter's BookStoryline
It is said that Mulmaster, nestled on the southeast corner of the Moonsea, has a climate that is cold and unforgiving—but the climate is downright pleasant when compared to the temperament of its population. The city’s resources are hoarded by the powerful, and the common folks lead grim lives because of it. A recent influx of refugees now gives the powerless Mulmasterites someone to sneer at—and possibly take advantage of.Crime, corruption, and fear fester in the crowded ghettos of the displaced and the desperate. Even as despair and desperation roil among the masses of Mulmaster, rumors of a new cult gaining power in the city pass from tavern to tavern, from angry mouth to fearful ear. Whispers of the strange cult add to the mistrust, but others begin to consider how they can use this new addition to better their own situations. When power is offered to the powerless, strangeness sometimes isn’t a deterrent to curiosity
The Basics:
The D&D Adventurers League is an ongoing official campaign for Dungeons & Dragons. It uses the fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons rules and features the Forgotten Realms setting. You can play D&D Adventurers League games literally anywhere. Players use the fifth edition rules to create a character and bring that character to games anywhere D&D Adventurers League play is happening.Each module is a separate adventure. So no need to have played with the group before, though previous players will be able to hold their spot from the last module adventure.
What You Need:
A character, level 2.At least three hours to complete an adventure (though possibly a bit longer).
AL is tracked by you. Your character can jump into any AL game anywhere in the world as long as you track your progress. Any levels, gold, or loot that you receive can be carried over to another game with a completely different Dungeon Master and players.
If you want to learn more about DDAL, please see the below resources from Wizards of the Coast. I recommend you read through the DDAL Player’s Guide if you want to know more details about how the league operates.
Wizards of the Coast Official Adventurer's League Page
https://dnd.wizards.com/ddal_generalPlayers Guide
https://media.wizards.com/2021/dnd/downloads/DDAL_PlayersGuidev11_0.pdfSession 0
A Session 0 refers to a preliminary meeting where players and the Dungeon Master (DM) gather before starting a campaign to discuss expectations, set ground rules, establish the tone of the story, and potentially begin character creation, essentially laying the foundation for the upcoming campaign before actual gameplay begins; it's a way to ensure everyone is on the same page about how the game will run.