What we’re about
Everyone is welcome to join us as we gather in person to discuss books of interest in Politics, Science, Technology, Philosophy, Self-Improvement and more. We strive to discuss great ideas in this group with an emphasis on socializing.
Upcoming events (3)
See all- Book Club SocialOld Stove Brewing Co — Gardens, Seattle, WA
Welcome to the Seattle Intellectual Book Club! This is the book club social where we will read an article and/or watch a video themed around the book of the month. Then get together to discuss!
Here is the content list for this event:
- How the US is destroying young people's future (~18min Watch)
- The Author's most recent TED talk
Think I am missing a great article or video on theme? Please suggest it through the event chat or on our discord (linked below).
- The book of the month is "The Algebra of Wealth: A Simple Formula for Financial Security" by Scott Galloway.
This is the event for you if:
- A book is too much of a commitment, but you still love discussing ideas.
- You just wanted an excuse to hang out with like minded people.
- You were busy and missed the monthly book club.
Come grab a drink, discuss and hang out.
6:30pm - 7:00pm Arrive & please buy drinks/food to support our venue if able
7:00pm - 8:30pm Group DiscussionPlease let me know if you have any suggestions for upcoming books for the group to read, venues to meet at or any other constructive feedback on the format.
Here is the link to our Discord (text or voice chat rooms) to discuss anything book club related.
https://discord.gg/dRHj5ssaAyLike what we are doing and want to chip in? Please consider donating. Donations will help cover the cost of the meet up registration. (about $400/year). Venmo is @Seattle_Intellectual_Bookclub
- Book Club - The Constitution of KnowledgeOuter Planet Craft Brewing, Seattle, WA
Welcome to the Seattle Intellectual Book Club! The 32nd book we are reading is called "The Constitution of Knowledge: A Defense of Truth" by Jonathan Rauch.
Come grab a drink, discuss and hang out.
*Please note that it's okay if you don't finish the book but please make an effort to at least start reading the book.
**Outer Planet allows outside food so feel free to bring outside food to the venue as they only sell snacks.Agenda:
6:30pm - 7:00pm Arrive & please buy drinks to support our venue if able
7:00pm - 8:30pm Group DiscussionPlease let me know if you have any suggestions for upcoming books for the group to read, venues to meet at or any other constructive feedback on the format.
Here is the link to our Discord (text or voice chat rooms) to discuss anything book club related.
https://discord.gg/dRHj5ssaAyLike what we are doing and want to chip in? Please consider donating. Donations will help cover the cost of the meet up registration. (about $400/year). Venmo is @Seattle_Intellectual_Bookclub
Here is the book description from Amazon:
"Arming Americans to defend the truth from today's war on facts
In what could be the timeliest book of the year, Rauch aims to arm his readers to engage with reason in an age of illiberalism. Newsweek
A New York Times Book Review Editors' Choice
Disinformation. Trolling. Conspiracies. Social media pile-ons. Campus intolerance. On the surface, these recent additions to our daily vocabulary appear to have little in common. But together, they are driving an epistemic crisis: a multi-front challenge to America's ability to distinguish fact from fiction and elevate truth above falsehood.
In 2016 Russian trolls and bots nearly drowned the truth in a flood of fake news and conspiracy theories, and Donald Trump and his troll armies continued to do the same. Social media companies struggled to keep up with a flood of falsehoods, and too often didn't even seem to try. Experts and some public officials began wondering if society was losing its grip on truth itself. Meanwhile, another new phenomenon appeared: cancel culture. At the push of a button, those armed with a cellphone could gang up by the thousands on anyone who ran afoul of their sanctimony.
In this pathbreaking book, Jonathan Rauch reaches back to the parallel eighteenth-century developments of liberal democracy and science to explain what he calls the Constitution of Knowledgeour social system for turning disagreement into truth.
By explicating the Constitution of Knowledge and probing the war on reality, Rauch arms defenders of truth with a clearer understanding of what they must protect, why they must doand how they can do it. His book is a sweeping and readable description of how every American can help defend objective truth and free inquiry from threats as far away as Russia and as close as the cellphone."
- Book Club SocialOld Stove Brewing Co — Gardens, Seattle, WA
Welcome to the Seattle Intellectual Book Club! This is the book club social where we will read an article and/or watch a video themed around the book of the month. Then get together to discuss!
Here is the content list for this event:
Think I am missing a great article or video on theme? Please suggest it through the event chat or on our discord (linked below).
- The book of the month is "The Constitution of Knowledge: A Defense of Truth" by Jonathan Rauch.
This is the event for you if:
- A book is too much of a commitment, but you still love discussing ideas.
- You just wanted an excuse to hang out with like minded people.
- You were busy and missed the monthly book club.
Come grab a drink, discuss and hang out.
6:30pm - 7:00pm Arrive & please buy drinks/food to support our venue if able
7:00pm - 8:30pm Group DiscussionPlease let me know if you have any suggestions for upcoming books for the group to read, venues to meet at or any other constructive feedback on the format.
Here is the link to our Discord (text or voice chat rooms) to discuss anything book club related.
https://discord.gg/dRHj5ssaAyLike what we are doing and want to chip in? Please consider donating. Donations will help cover the cost of the meet up registration. (about $400/year). Venmo is @Seattle_Intellectual_Bookclub