What we’re about
We're a community that practices and discusses philosophy, being free and open to all levels and backgrounds. We offer seminars, a variety of discussion formats, and the occasional lecture / guest speaker.
Many meetings will have fewer RSVPs than people who actually attend. This is because overtime people stop making use of Meetup.com and instead communicate with their groups via Discord, Slack, Zoom, E-mail, or similar You can think of the list of events hosted on this Meetup as advertisements for groups seeking new participants.
Our philosophy offerings are organized and facilitated by volunteers. If you have a philosophy offering - or an offering that compliments the study of philosophy, such as in literature, the sciences, and so on - that you'd like to advertise through this Meetup, please contact the organizer. We're grateful to those who want to enrich Seattle with study and discussion!
Participants must speak, write, and act in a considerate, professional, and respectful manner, and be prepared for the meetings that they attend, having reviewed the materials to the degree necessary to participate. If you haven't reviewed the materials but still wish to attend an event, please consult the event facilitator regarding the best manner for you to be present.
We look forward to studying philosophy together!
Upcoming events (4+)
See all- The Race Delusion.Link visible for attendees
AGNOSTICS GROUP - Melbourne, Australia.
Some of us are participating in their online event.
Jonathan Meddings (Guest Speaker) will present the topic and lead the discussion.
"Richard Dawkins is wrong about race, and you are probably too.
I’ve lost count of the number of conversations in which I’ve defended Richard Dawkins over the years. I find his views — especially those he tweets — are often misconstrued, and at times deliberately misrepresented. But I won’t be defending Dawkins for his view that “race is biologically real”. It’s a view he has written about in The Ancestor’s Tale, and more recently tweeted.As far as controversy in biology goes, this is about as controversial as it gets, so why the free pass from the media that normally lambastes Dawkins for such tweets? Seemingly, the lack of controversy arising from an evolutionary biologist proclaiming race is a biological reality is due to the fact most people happen to agree, but most people are wrong, and an evolutionary biologist really ought to know better.
Dawkins’ view of race isn’t just contrary to that of most anthropologists; who have long argued race is a social construct; many (perhaps most) biologists also believe it to be."
The Agnostics Group discusses the pros and cons of Agnosticism.
They welcome ALL viewpoints, including criticism of Agnosticism.Agnostics Group Facebook
The ZOOM Link will appear for those who RSVP.
Meeting ID: 827 5044 8686 - - Passcode: 947151The meeting commences at 7pm Friday in Seattle.
Which is 2pm Saturday in Melbourne, Australia: GMT/UTC+11.