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What we’re about

Do you love to walk but find it boring to do alone? Do you want to add some group walks into your routine? Do you yearn for some accountability when it comes to getting out of your house? Do you desire to have a community of women that you can connect with at least once a week to feel less lonely? If so, this group is for you!

As a fellow walker and not runner, I find myself craving both more community and connection with other women. And, with so many working from home it’s nice to have a compelling reason to get out!

So come join a community of women of all ages to walk, connect and enjoy life together. All bodies welcome.

We meet at 8 am on Wednesdays at Jefferson park in north beacon hill. We’ll check in and do 1-2 loops around the park. You can decide on pacing and join others that want to go at a similar speed.