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What we’re about

# Senior Movie Fans & More

Our group, for seniors, 60-ish + will essentially be anything that interests members and can be and frequently is organized as a group event. So our events and activities may range from walks, hiking, movies, dinners, Happy Hours, and anything in between. Our walks and hikes range from short 40 min or so to 2+hour hikes at places such as Thousand Oaks, Malibu, Santa Barbara.

To summarize, our events could consist of the following categories:

• Hiking and walking
• Movies [all types]
• Food [restaurants, potlucks, picnics]
• Plays
• Musical events
• Wine Tasting
• Biking
• Kayaking
• Special events and locations
• Day trips.
• Any other ideas?

There should be many events that appeal to you regardless of your tastes and capabilities. And if we miss some activity that you might like, send a suggestion.

# Release Of Liability for All SMF&More Events


In consideration of being allowed to participate as a member or guest of 'Senior Movies Fans and More Meetup', "You", the member, and guest(s), if applicable, personally assume all risks in connection with said meetup, for any harm, injury, illness or damage that may befall you while participating in said meetup and/or related activities, whether foreseen or unforeseen. Further, by responding RSVP = YES to an event, "You", the member, and guest(s), if applicable, agree to hold harmless the organizer(s), host(s),for any liability including any injury or loss to person and/or property that may occur as a result of your participation in an event and/or event related activity. Such event related activities may include, but not be limited to, traveling to and from an event,
participating in a carpool to and from an event, or other related activity. "You" further agree to hold harmless the organizer(s) and host(s) from any claim or lawsuit by you, anyone claiming to act on your behalf, your family, estate, heirs or anyone designated, arising directly or indirectly out of participating in 'Senior Movie Fans and More Meetup' and/or related activities. Venues, management, staff etc are to handle any problems at a public location and Organizer/s Hosts/s remain free of liability for any occurrence at any location.

I agree that I am in good health and am able to safely participate in any activity I may attend. I agree to check with my physician if there is any question about my ability to safely participate in events I choose to attend. This waiver is in effect at all times for all participants in 'Senior Movie Fans and More'.

Also as a member I must provide proof of Covid vaccinations, as this is a requirment established by our current members to help keep us safe and healthly. Proof must be send by email/message prior to being accepted as a member.

I understand that the terms of this liability waiver agreement herein are contractual and not a mere recital, and that by participating in meetup related activities I have acted of my own free will. Further I understand and agree that, in the event one or
more of the provisions of this agreement, for any reason, is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not effect any other provision hereof.

Welcome! Thank you for your interest in the new "Senior Movie Fans and More Meetup Group"! We have been having a wonderful time seeing and discussing contemporary movies, sharing meals, happy hours, hikes, walks, parties and other select activities/adventures with new friends.  Events are usually located proximate to the cities of Ventura, Ojai, Oxnard, Camarillo, and Carpinteria. Please join us if you are a senior-ish (59+) person who enjoys such events and meeting new people. You may invite a friend to join you at an event. This is a group for anyone interested in having a good time enjoying movies, dinners, walks, hikes, camping, kayaking, etc. All skill levels are welcome. I am starting this group to keep our existing friends together and also to meet others with the same enthusiasm. Looking forward to enjoying and exploring more fun activities with everybody.  Members may also offer ideas for movies, dining venues and other fun activities.  Events are held during various times of the day (mornings, afternoons, evenings) and on varied days of the week.  Hope to see you soon! 
Dues/contributions are required for this group. I send out requests for contributions twice yearly to help with the cost of running our meetup group, which is appreciated when the members help assist with this cost. Contributions for special event costs will be sent out through as an email to members.  As a member, or guest, if applicable, you agree to read and abide by the terms of our member liability waiver agreement found under the heading "More" and then "Pages" tab of the Member page prior to attending any event. In order to review the tabs of the Member page and notifications you must use a desktop computer.  Current identifiable profile photo is required to join this meetup.  All participants including guests at events must agree to the member liability waiver agreement.  Participants should carry appropriate current identification and emergency contact information on their person when attending events.  The Organizer reserves the right to remove member(s) from this meetup for any reason at any time.  As a member you elect the degree to which you receive emails regarding events and your communication with other members, go to the group profile photo icon; Settings; Email notifications and then check boxes on what you wish to recieve. Please periodically review event details/descriptions you plan to attend as sometimes there are changes in the movie time and location updates.