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What we’re about

Welcome to "Settle In Yoga," a space for everyone to find their inner peace.

This group focuses on online yoga sessions. Regardless of age, gender, race, size, or ability, you can achieve peace and balance through yoga—a moving meditation for life's ups and downs.

I hope this group supports your yoga journey from the comfort of your own space, fostering a warm, connected online community.

Introducing myself 👋🏻
Hi, I’m Sage (she/her). My mission is to make yoga accessible and inclusive for more people, helping you cultivate a flexible mind, regardless of your background. As someone born and raised in South Korea and now living in the US, I'm passionate about sharing yoga with people from diverse backgrounds, especially those settling in from other countries. Through this group, I aim to support you on your yoga journey, making it welcoming for all.

If you want to learn more about me or collaborate, connect with me on social media or via email:
Bio Site:
Instagram: @settle_in_yoga