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What we’re about

What do you hope to acheive through meditation?
- Go deeper in your Spiritual journey
- Feel emotionally secure and balanced
- Experience inner silence
- Handle stress better
- Improve attention span
- Make better decisions and choices
- Something else?

With the awakening of your inner energy in Sahaja Yoga Meditation, and applying clearing techniques, you can join the many who have established these qualities and more in their lives.

If one chooses to follow the basic principles, one can get dramatic results.
It's for you, too!

You are invited to all our Events!
- Let's Meditate for 21 Days! Feb 25 to April 11
- Start the Day in the Silence of your Spirit, M-F at 7:15 am Eastern time.
- Global Online collective meditations - Saturday at 9:45 pm and Sunday- 9:45 am Eastern time.
Click on Events for details.

Join us!

"You cannot Know the meaning of life until you are connected to the power that created you" ....... Shri MataJi Nirmala Devi, Founder

Free, since 1970

Upcoming events (4+)

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