Gentle reader, would you like to share a sample of your work to a receptive audience, and get constructive feedback? Sign up by leaving a comment on this page (and be sure to RSVP to this evening's event) and your name will appear in due time on the list below.
- David
- Nikki
- John
- Michael
Join us for another Tele-Story event, on Zoom!
The Zoom link will be visible on this page, once you RSVP.-- please un-RSVP if your plans change and you will not make it.-- message me for technical assistance.
These are informal, low pressure, wine-friendly opportunities for members to share their writing and invite discussion. We won’t singularly focus on technical writerly feedback, but rather allow each piece to be a trigger for a short discussion based on what comes up for each of us. Organize your feedback in terms of what you liked about the piece.
Schedule (updated as we confirm readers):6:30 - 7pm -- Happy Hour (and troubleshooting)-- Say hello, have a glass of wine or a bite of dinner with us, virtually.-- Please join us at 6:30 if you are not experienced with Zoom, in case you need to troubleshoot your computer / Zoom.
7:00-9:00pm -- Readings and Discussion. Leave a comment below or message the host if you'd like to read. And, don't forget to RSVP if you plan to read! Otherwise, please join us as a valued listener and discussant!
Usual format for authors:
Four confirmed speakers, and one alternate.
Confirmed speakers have a total of 30 minutes for reading followed by feedback. Any unused time will go to alternates.
Authors usually aim for five to ten minutes of reading (~5, double spaced).
Feedback will start with a "lightening round" of short, constructive comments. Authors can ask for clarification but should avoid back-and-forth discussion until after the lightening round.
If you want a particular kind of feedback, or a different format, feel free to discuss with the host or let the listeners know before you read.
Usual format for listeners / feedback:
We start with a "lightening round", where everyone has the option to give one minute of feedback (with an additional minute of overtime, at the discretion of the host and author).
Focus on what you liked and what could make it even better, rather than what "didn't work".
Use Zoom's "Raise hand" option, to give feedback.
After the lightening round, we open it up to longer form feedback and discussion.
Avoid "interviewing the author", and focus on the writing, unless there is an abundance of time.
It is never too early to let us know you are available to read Next Time!
P.S. Zoom / internet problems:Telephone audio is much more reliable, if you don't have a stable internet, with (or without) your computer video.