What we’re about
We welcome anyone who enjoys reading alongside a good cup of coffee or boba! We are a silent book club in which we each bring our own book to read silently. After the allotted reading time, we are free to talk to one another. It's a great way to meet people who enjoy reading and discussing ideas! Who knew reading could be a social activity?
The location will be a local boba or coffee shop in Irvine.
The meeting format goes as follows:
6:45-7:00pm : Introductions and order drinks
7:00-7:45pm : Read silently
7:45-8:15pm : Book sharing in small groups
8:15-8:45pm : Mingle and bookish talks
Hope to see you there!
Upcoming events (4+)
See all- Thematic Reading - Feminism 1st & 2nd WavesOne Zo Boba, Irvine, CA
This is a cross posting from my other critical theory and feminist group. See link below for original post:
We all read in different paces and styles so here is a slightly updated version:
We will combine feminist readings from 1st wave and 2nd wave together for the next a few events. Folks can choose to read any of them from the list below.Meetup format:
11-11:45am: read silently, bring your own book;
11:45-12:30pm: feminist bookish talks.Disclaimer: this is a community created list that I found from Chicago Public Library (CPL) so claim know credits nor ownership of this list. Respect to CPL LoL.
A non-exhaustive list for suggested readings:# Feminist Classics: First Wave of Feminism 1848-1919
- The Woman's Bible
- The Selected Papers of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony
- Mistress of Herself
- A Nation of Women
- Early French Feminisms, 1830-1940
- Liberating the Home
- Woman, Church, & State
- A Woman's Quest
- A Doll's House
- The Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State
- The Trial of Susan B. Anthony: An Account
# Feminist Classics: Second Wave
- The Feminine Mystique
- Jane Crow: The Life of Pauli Murray
- Sexual Politics
- Women and Madness
- The Politics of Reality
- The Women's History of the World
- The Bell Jar
- The Dialectic of Sex
- Witches, Midwives, and Nurses
- The Color Purple
- The Creation of Patriarchy
Choose any one among the above or bring your own of choice. No pressure to keep every one reading the same book. In fact, I do hope to have various people reading different books, so that we can exchange and learn from each other.
Reading feminism is difficult. Reading feminist work now and then is particularly difficult as feminism evolved so much over that past decades, and it is still evolving every single day. Finding people that are still interested in and committed to reading feminism while tolerating unknown and uncertainty is extra difficult, especially nowadays with the uprising of cancel culture and extremism.
What if we try to do it together ?
I'm creating this new Saturday morning series as a social experiment, hoping that can find and connect with more like minded people.
Please bring a curious and open mindset to socialize, connect, and chat about feminism in history and contemporary society, and be ready to share with others. The broad umbrella for discuss is from the lens of dialecticism, feminism, and critical theory. Let's practice not taking things for granted, and conversing with an open mindedness for diverse opinions and living experiences.