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What we’re about

Welcome to Silver Lake Book Club!

WHAT WE DO: We meet the second Wednesday of every month at 7:30 pm to discuss an awesome book over drinks (alcoholic or otherwise).

WHO SHOULD JOIN: People who love to read + make attempts at intelligent literary conversations. ALL age groups are welcome, provided you are 21+ (because most of our Meetups take place at a bar). You don’t have to live in Silver Lake to attend!

WHO’S HOSTING: I'm Colin. If you’ve been coming to previous iterations of the club, you probably remember the former hosts, Jim and Krista, who took over from original hosts Olivia and Elise. As a former attendee who re-launched the club in September 2023, I'm excited to keep the group going!

HOW IT WORKS: The following day after each Meetup, we’ll post a poll for you all to vote on the book for an upcoming month. Folks have until that Saturday night (11:59pm) to vote! That Sunday, we’ll officially announce the selection. [Have a book you’d like to nominate to be a part of the poll? Bring your suggestion in-person to the Meetup.]

PRETTY PLEASE NOTE: There are 1000+ members in this group, and for now, we’re capping the attendees to 20 for each event (because, er, any larger than that and things can get complicated), so if you RSVP and cannot make it, we ask that you give the group an immediate notice as early as possible so that someone else can have your spot.

OTHER STUFF: If you want to share something for the whole group to see (like, “Hey, where can I find a cheap copy of this month’s book?”), post a comment. If you have a question or comment just for the hosts, message Colin directly for a speedier reply.

Hope to see you all there :)

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