What we’re about
About Us
This group is for Single women and men who are over 50 and confused, frustrated, afraid, or concerned about the current world of dating and wondering how to navigate it successfully. We have weekly virtual Zoom and in-person Meetup events. During our weekly virtual Zoom Meetups there's a lively discussion about Dating and Relationships that includes interesting questions from the participants as well as helpful advice and insights from professional Dating and Relationship Coach Christine Baumgartner. Our in-person events are about meeting and making new friends, seeing existing friends, and making connections with other members.
If you're feeling discouraged or confused about meeting someone special, nervous about keeping that brand new relationship alive, or have relationship related questions, then this group is for you. Find out how other people are handling all their social lives. Learn from others who are discovering ways to connect in new relationships in the 'over 50 world of dating.' Christine will be sharing tools and creative ways to connect with new people in new and fun ways, and how to have better relationships with those already in your life.
** Photo and Profile Policy **
Due to the high number of scammers, fake Meetup profiles, and people looking to disrupt group events, we require this policy without exception to keep the current and future members safe.
We require that all members have a current, clearly identifiable photo of themselves (no obscuring sunglasses, hats, helmets, scarfs, group shot, etc.). This is for the safety and security of all our members and also allows us to recognize you at our events. The organizer(s)/ host(s) are responsible for determining adherence to this policy and may ask you to change or profile picture to comply with this requirement. Photographs taken at an event may be posted on the group event page to share and promote the group for the benefit of the community as a whole.
People requesting to join this group must have their Meetup groups visible in their profiles. Anyone who does not comply with this rule will be declined membership or removed from the group.
** Member Safety and Security Policy **
This group is about learning, developing and establishing friendships, relationships, and sharing experiences, participating in activities with people who like to learn, be coached and with common interests. Harassment (bullying, racial, cyber, verbal abuse, unsolicited emails/ messages, sexual, psychological, etc.) will not be tolerated. If you are being harassed, feel threatened or uncomfortable by someone's advances, please let us know right away. Anyone who violates this rule will be immediately removed from the group, and if it is determined that a crime has been committed, then it will be reported to the authorities.
With that said, we understand that sometimes friendships can develop into a romantic relationship. If that happens naturally, then you have our support and blessing. For those members who attend our in-person events, and park in parking garages/ structures to attend events, we ask that you use caution when coming and returning to your cars to avoid the possibility of being attacked or car-jacked. You can always ask another member to walk you to your car.
When you sign up and join our group and attend any event, you agree to the terms and policies of this group: If you join us for an event, please understand that you are responsible for your own preparedness and well-being and will hold no one else liable in case of injury or mishap. You agree not to hold the Organizer, Event Host(s), or any other members responsible/liable for any injuries, mishaps, or any other situation that may happen at a planned event. This extends and applies to, and also covers and includes, all unknown, unforeseen, unanticipated and unsuspected injuries, damages, loss or liability. Your membership and attendance at an event signifies that you have read and accepted the terms of this liability waiver. When you RSVP for an event you understand that you are attending AT YOUR OWN RISK. Organizer(s) and Event Host(s) of this group are just that, we organize the events together as friends.
Upcoming events (4+)
See all- DANCE TO LATIN, FUNK and RnB with the SOTO BAND (Santa Fe Springs)Maggie's Pub, Santa Fe Springs, CA
Join us on Friday, January 10th @ 8:30PM for an evening of dancing, live music, food, drinks and fun with the Soto Band at Maggie's Pub in Santa Fe Springs. Invite some friends, meet with existing friends, or/ and make new friends. Latin, Funk, R&B, and Soul music.
$10 Cover ChargeABOUT THE BAND: The Soto is one of Southern California's Hottest Latin, Funk, R&B, and Soul Band. They'll bring you all your favorite songs. For more information, visit the band website at: https://www.sotoband.com/frames.htm
EVENT HOST: Albert Lucero 657-296-1119
THIS IS A MULTI-GROUP EVENT: This Event is scheduled with multiple Meetup Groups and Facebook, so the number of people who have RSVP'd will be more than shown on this group.
Maggie's Pub
11900 Telegraph Rd, Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670
Website: https://www.maggiespub.com
Parking is available in the parking lot. Arrive early to find a good parking spot.HOW TO FIND THE GROUP: Look for the Meetup Sign, or text the host at 657-296-1119
- RSVP's: Everyone who attends must RSVP, and be on the “Going” list. If you change your mind about attending this event, please update your RSVP to “Not Going” or notify the Host via text or Meetup messaging. Confirmations may be sent to confirm your RSVP. Those who don’t confirm may be moved to “Not Going”. Please have your Meetup notifications for this group and event turned on. Please keep in mind that when you RSVP, you are counted as an attendee. No shows create problems when making reservations at restaurants and venues. Thank you!
- Sickness/Illness: We request that if you’re not feeling well, have symptoms of any contagious disease (Covid, flu, cold, virus, cough, etc.) we respectfully ask that you not attend this event to prevent the possible spread of infection.
- Behavior: Everyone is expected to be respectful, considerate, courteous, and maintain sober behavior; and are required to abstain from gossip, promoting a business; and discussing hot topics that would create discord or arguments.
DISCLAIMER: By RSVPing and attending this event you (the attendee) agrees to attend at your own risk. The group’s organizer(s), or group member(s) are NOT responsible, or assume liability for any injury, loss, damage, health, harassment to your own person, or any members of your family, friends, acquaintances, children, pets, or personal property, arising directly, indirectly or as a consequence from a group activity. With that said, we do take compassion and consideration for your well-being and situation, in that we are here to assist you in any way possible if any of the above happens. You also agree that your membership of this group is based on an "at will" basis. Photos of our events may be taken by the organizer and other attendees and posted on Meetup and Social Media to promote events. If you don’t want your photo taken, please let us know, or avoid the group shots taken.
- 1.9 Mile Hike at William Mason Regional Park - IrvineWilliam R Mason Regional Park, Irvine, CA
** Please Read The Entire Description Before You RSVP **
Join us on for a morning 1.9-mile Hike on Saturday, January 11th at William R. Mason Regional Park. Meet with existing friends, make new friends, and bring you dog (6ft leash required). We will meet at 10:00AM in Parking Lot A and start hiking at 10:15AM. The park is a 123-acre wilderness area, with hiking and cycling trails. Mason Regional Park is also home to a beautiful lake with ducks and other wildlife. This event is subject to be canceled if there is inclement weather (rain, storm, etc.)
>>Click Here For Park Map<<EVENT HOST: Albert Lucero 657-296-1119
THIS IS A MULTI-GROUP EVENT: This Event is scheduled with multiple Meetup Groups and Facebook, so the number of people who have RSVP'd will be more than shown on this group.VENUE LOCATION & PARKING INFO
William R Mason Regional Park
18712 University Dr, Irvine, CA 92612
Parking fee is $5 per vehicle on Saturday, or free with the OC Parks Annual Pass.
>>Click Here for More Annual Pass Information<<HOW TO FIND THE GROUP: Parking Lot A, or text Albert at 657-296-1119
1. Bottled Water
2. A Sweater or Light Jacket (optional)
3. A Hat
4. Sunglasses
5. Trail Mix, or Energy Bar (optional)ATTENDANCE GUIDELINES
- Sickness/Illness: We request that if you’re not feeling well, have symptoms of any contagious disease (Covid, flu, cold, virus, cough, etc.) we respectfully ask that you not attend this event to prevent the possible spread of infection.
- Behavior: Everyone is expected to be respectful, considerate, courteous, and maintain sober behavior; and are required to abstain from gossip, promoting a business; and discussing hot topics that would create discord or arguments.
DISCLAIMER: By RSVPing and attending this event you (the attendee) agrees to attend at your own risk. The group’s organizer(s), or group member(s) are NOT responsible, or assume liability for any injury, loss, damage, health, harassment to your own person, or any members of your family, friends, acquaintances, children, pets, or personal property, arising directly, indirectly or as a consequence from a group activity. With that said, we do take compassion and consideration for your well-being and situation, in that we are here to assist you in any way possible if any of the above happens. You also agree that your membership of this group is based on an "at will" basis. Photos of our events may be taken by the organizer and other attendees and posted on Meetup and Social Media to promote events. If you don’t want your photo taken, please let us know, or avoid the group shots taken.
- Learning How to Make Dating Work For You - Online Zoom EventLink visible for attendees
Event Overview: This weekly free Zoom online video discussion for Singles, hosted by Relationship Coach Christine Baumgartner. She will be giving dating advice, have topics of discussion, gives advice on how to connect, and stay connected. She'll give tips to help you navigate your dating life as well, and we'll have a Q&A session. Occasionally she will have guests who will share their relationship successThis event is also cross-posted/ scheduled with other Meetup groups.
Attending the Zoom Meetup
You must have the Zoom app, video and audio capability to participate in this meeting, otherwise you will be removed from the meeting.
1. Verify that your computer, Android or Apple device has both video and audio/microphone capability
2. If you haven't already done so, please download the Zoom app before attending (the app and use is free).
* A. Download to a computer (desktop/notebook): https://zoom.us/download
* B. For Android devices (smartphone or tablet), download from the "Google Play Store" app
* C. For iPhone or iPad, download from the Apple "App Store"
. Join the call at 6:00 PM (PT) by clicking on one of these methods:
* A. Go to: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81063025620?pwd=VHJIbUFLdWIvMHE3V3o2aTVBY3IzQT09 (allow to launch the Zoom app)
* B. Go to: https://zoom.us/join and enter meeting ID 81063025620 and Password 350364 (allow to launch the Zoom app)
If you use your laptop or desktop computer, you'll be able to see everyone on your monitor (screen), but you'll be limited to only viewing one or two people at a time if you use a tablet, smartphone, iPhone, iPad, or smaller device.Please visit Christine's website for more information, schedule a one on one coaching session, conferences, and contact information: http://www.theperfectcatch.com
Christine's Email: Christine@ThePerfectCatch.com
Christine's Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/ThePerfectCatchAlthough this event is free we welcome your donations if you found the information helpful or valuable. Please click on the Donate button at the top.
- Learning How to Make Dating Work For You - Online Zoom EventLink visible for attendees
Event Overview: This weekly free Zoom online video discussion for Singles, hosted by Relationship Coach Christine Baumgartner. She will be giving dating advice, have topics of discussion, gives advice on how to connect, and stay connected. She'll give tips to help you navigate your dating life as well, and we'll have a Q&A session. Occasionally she will have guests who will share their relationship successThis event is also cross-posted/ scheduled with other Meetup groups.
Attending the Zoom Meetup
You must have the Zoom app, video and audio capability to participate in this meeting, otherwise you will be removed from the meeting.
1. Verify that your computer, Android or Apple device has both video and audio/microphone capability
2. If you haven't already done so, please download the Zoom app before attending (the app and use is free).
* A. Download to a computer (desktop/notebook): https://zoom.us/download
* B. For Android devices (smartphone or tablet), download from the "Google Play Store" app
* C. For iPhone or iPad, download from the Apple "App Store"
. Join the call at 6:00 PM (PT) by clicking on one of these methods:
* A. Go to: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81063025620?pwd=VHJIbUFLdWIvMHE3V3o2aTVBY3IzQT09 (allow to launch the Zoom app)
* B. Go to: https://zoom.us/join and enter meeting ID 81063025620 and Password 350364 (allow to launch the Zoom app)
If you use your laptop or desktop computer, you'll be able to see everyone on your monitor (screen), but you'll be limited to only viewing one or two people at a time if you use a tablet, smartphone, iPhone, iPad, or smaller device.Please visit Christine's website for more information, schedule a one on one coaching session, conferences, and contact information: http://www.theperfectcatch.com
Christine's Email: Christine@ThePerfectCatch.com
Christine's Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/ThePerfectCatchAlthough this event is free we welcome your donations if you found the information helpful or valuable. Please click on the Donate button at the top.