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What we’re about

Have you crashed and burned through enough dates from dating apps and well-meaning introductions?

Are you sick of the advice to just date more people so you can find the one? Quantity over quality?

What if the answer isn’t dating to find the one?

What if the answer is praying to THE ONE, to God, letting Him take your burdens and bring you together with the one He has for you, OR repair your fractured marriage or partnership?

Are you a heterosexual professional in your 40s or beyond? Been around the block a few times? Rocky marriage, divorce, co-parenting, loss, career pivots, etc.?

We have different needs and interests than the 20- and 30-somethings still navigating the dating world as newbies.

Would you like to meet other Christian, professional 40+ singles and married couples who prioritize their relationships with God and their inner healing? Who aim to live with purpose, intention, and integrity, in the fruits of the spirit?

Formerly “Singles 40+ Dating With Purpose,” this group is now “Relationship Recovery For Christians - All Welcome.” It's an outreach of my Christian relationship coaching, Lifted By Love.

Join us for regular group healing sessions by Zoom (for paid Lifted By Love members only), and outings/meetups around Gainesville, FL (free for Lifted By Love members and any members of this meetup). Locals and anyone from other locations nationwide or worldwide are welcome to join the online and in-person meetups anytime.

PLEASE NOTE: All online meetings are structured group coaching sessions, and are exclusively for paid Lifted by Love members. The group coaching membership is only $47/month. I also do private individual or couples coaching, in unlimited sessions for three months for one low fee.

Please visit my website, for details, to book a free session with me, and to join the group and/or private coaching membership.

My Christian faith-based healing counseling group is a super-affordable and effective way to help you escape destructive relationship patterns and thrive with your gifts. I specialize in recovery from CPTSD, narcissist abuse, avoidant partners, and more. Not healing your childhood wounding can lead to confusion, emotional dysregulation, more failed relationships, and loneliness.

We can work on your readiness for a new relationship, or saving your current one.

After coaching over 400 people, and being an everyday reader of Scripture, I'm certain that all of our problems are because of our unhealed trauma wounding and our disconnection from God.  This is a huge issue that isn't being discussed enough, while it derails millions of people from leading truly happy lives with the partner of their dreams.

I'll be diving into depth about this on my YouTube channel, please subscribe and check out my content there. One of my latest videos is below.


My own experience, and feedback from hundreds of people I’ve worked with, has taken me in a new, inspired direction that I feel serves the community in a higher capacity. I started this Meetup as a dating group in January 2023, to fill a gap in the Gainesville, Florida area for a dynamic group of Gen X singles.

Over many fun events both in person and online, and through relationship coaching work I've done with hundreds of people, I got to know many lovely people and formed a new understanding about this unique generation of singles, of which I am also one. 
Here’s what I learned:

  • Singles in their 40s-60s today are typically divorced, often with children ages 3-20s. A very small percentage are widowed or never married.
  • They are wary of giving their hearts away again, but willing to do so for the right person. They are disillusioned about love and about finding their ideal mate, but still hopeful.
  • They may find it hard to clearly define their ideal mate beyond someone who doesn’t have the negative characteristics of their past significant other(s).
  • They are mostly eager to do their inner work to build a lasting relationship with their ideal mate, but not entirely sure what that entails. Some have tried therapy and have not experienced satisfactory results that helped them recover from past relationships or feel ready for a new one.
  • Even among their own age group, they are extremely disillusioned with today’s dating culture, including dating apps, texting, modern dating conduct, long distance relationship challenges, s-xual health, lack of clear masculine/feminine polarity, lack of interesting conversation, finding compelling things to do/places to go on dates, and navigating s-x after 40 or 50.
  • Many have suffered abuse from destructive personality types such as narcissists, avoidants, or addicts such as alcoholics.
  • Most feel somewhat lost and, at the same time, pressured to find someone, while finding it harder to trust anyone now.

With all this in mind, I've found that, in general, our members do not need "another date," or even necessarily to end a relationship they are in.

They need guidance and support in healing their inner wounds, in order to build a lasting relationship with a reliable partner who will add infinitely to their lives, not distract or destroy.

And I am a capable guide on that journey. I am a degreed and experienced former therapist, now a Christian relationship coach. Through decades of dating, marriage, divorce and beyond, I’ve been through my own personal odyssey of relationship drama and deep healing. I have worked extremely hard, both independently and with professional help, to heal my extensive core childhood wounds of abandonment and abuse that compelled me to attract bad relationships and push away good ones. I have reconciled with and committed to my longtime partner, the one devoted to God, the one who earned the love and respect of my kids, the one who prayed for me and waited for me and is healing his own trauma wounds alongside me. We're now engaged and planning to be married in autumn of 2024.

I’ve also had the beautiful opportunity to talk with and successfully counsel over 400 people, to help them pinpoint their childhood core wounding causing them to loop in negative patterns with destructive, abusive relationships.

Most significantly, my personal quest has culminated in coming to Christ. And I will repeat the most important truth I’ve come to, regarding dating and everything in life:
All of our problems are because of our unhealed trauma wounding and our disconnection from God.

Every. Last. One.

A lot of churches have left out the very important information that we’re in a huge spiritual battle. As part of that battle, Satan loves to isolate you and prey on your wounding, it’s his favorite game, it makes you an easy target.

I invite you to subscribe to my YouTube channel for lots of detailed content on this topic and much more.

And join our $47/mo Lifted By Love group coaching, the best value out there for healing your trauma wounds and readying you for a truly loving relationship with the partner you can fully trust and enjoy --maybe the one you have right now.

I look forward to seeing you at the next Zoom meeting. Be sure to enroll here for the link:

Thank you for being a part of this group. I’m here as God has called me to be, holding this space for us all to be lifted by His love.

~ Robin O

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