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What we’re about

Sisterhood International Society (SIS) is a microcosmic representation of the world where women from all nations are united to foster friendship, camaraderie, empowerment, support and joy among each other. 
We want serious members only; hence, before you click"Join Us", please note that:

  1. We are purely a social organization. Although we have many members who are political, religious, and social activists, we discourage any recruitment/discussions relating to these subjects during any of our events.
  2. We require you to post a recognizable profile photo of your face for security reasons. Your application for membership will not be approved without your profile photo. 
  3. We try to limit our membership to a manageable number in order to maintain the group's exclusivity and forge a close relationship with our SISters. We normally have a waiting list of applicants; we give the highest priority to those who are friends with, or who are referred by, existing members.
  4. Unless you are already known by some of our members, please attend any of our meetups in public settings before attending any of our private events (in-home parties). 
  5. You may be removed from the group if: (a) You have been inactive for more than three months, or (b) are a "No Show" 3 or more times to your RSVPed events.
  6. We request $10 annual membership fee from each member to pay for $358 annual Meetup subscription fee.
  7. We request that you host or co-host at least one event during the year. You are invited to host an event of your choosing at a public or private location with any number of people appropriate for the event. SIS provides this opportunity to enable all members to participate in adding fun and meaningful events to form friendship and community. The topic and timing of the events are entirely up to each members. Some examples of events are dining out, movies, festival celebrations, dancing, etc. The only limitations for posting events is to refrain from selling either goods or services to other members. Membership shall be free from sales pressure of any kind during any events.
    Thank you.
    Ji Soo Kim

SIS was founded on June 1, 2015 by Maria Panlilio, Susan Azar, Marcella Iniguez, Rosa Romero and Ji Soo Kim
Risks and Waiver of Liability. The Sisterhood International Society (“SIS”) holds various types of events that include some physical activities, including, but not limited to, games, hiking, dancing, and road trips. Attendees understand that risks of injuries and damages can occur at any time and any place. Therefore, attendees agree to waive, discharge claims, and release SIS and its members from any liability on account of, or in any way resulting from injuries and damages while participating in any group event.