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What we’re about

Skagit Adventure Group is mostly outdoor activity oriented, but we also have Meetups that feature social events, educational seminars, live music, and more. On most of our activities, we tend to travel as a group at a moderate pace. Join us for hiking and backpacking, bicycling, kayaking, live music shows, snowshoeing, skiing/snowboarding, and more. Don't see activities you like? If event organizers and others share that interest, odds are a suggestion can be scheduled for an outing. Bring a great attitude and a desire to have fun!

First, I'd like to welcome all of the new members and thank all of the long-term, active members!  This is a bit long, but all of it is important.  Please read!

Inherent risks come with any activity, especially outdoor and backcountry ones. Organizers in this group are not guides, instructors, or medical professionals. You are responsible for your safety and the safety of those you bring as guests. We may give you our opinions on whether or not an activity is suitable for you, but the ultimate responsibility lies with you, as we are not experts. For outdoor activities, you should carry the ten essentials: http://en.wikipedia.o....­­ . Certain activities may require other gear. If you don't know, ask!  Someone can likely share advice or ideas.

Signing up for events: Please have a strong expectation that you will actually attend the event...when signing up. If you are signed up as attending, do not bring another person unless you have a confirmed RSVP +1. If an event fills up, but there is a wait list option, I encourage RSVP'ing on the wait list. Cancellations happen frequently, and people are then moved from the wait list to the attending group. Also, event organizers occasionally increase the slots for events. Please contact the event organizer if you are trying to waitlist with a +1, as there are some challenges to that.

Part of signing up for events is accepting the timeframe for the event.  Leaving the group early on outdoor activity events is not ok, other than a few extenuating circumstances.  If there is any question about this, contact the organizer in advance to discuss.  Generally, leaving social activities early is ok for things like concerts, pub nights, author events, etc.

No-shows and late cancellations: It's disrespectful, causes others inconvenience, and we keep track of these. If you have any no-shows or last minute cancels, it is up to event organizers whether or not you are welcome at their future events. They also have the discretion to move you to the wait list or cancel your RSVP, especially if it will allow someone dependable to get a spot. A short-notice cancellation doesn't allow enough time for people on the wait list to plan ahead to attend and makes for a smaller group. Did I mention how disrespectful this is?

I do understand that sometimes circumstances dictate that people can't attend an event. Unless it's an emergency, please cancel your RSVP with as much advance notice as possible. Otherwise, the group can end up waiting for someone at a carpool location or a trail-head (where there's often no cell reception) for people running late. Excessive no-shows and/or late cancels are cause for removal from the group.

Carpooling and gas money: Please contribute money to the drivers that are kind enough to transport you. Drivers incur expenses for fuel as well as vehicle maintenance, insurance, etc. They're doing you a favor by driving. This also applies to things like ferry fees, parking passes/charges, campground fees, etc.

Membership dues: It costs about $200/year to have a Meetup group. So far, I'm resisting having mandatory member dues. Some people have generously contributed towards the fee, but I don't receive enough to cover the annual fee for the group. It's not mandatory, but pitching in a couple/few bucks per person, per year would be much appreciated.

Membership in the group: Occasionally, we delete people due to inactivity. If anyone is deleted for this reason and wants to rejoin, you're welcome to do that. Note that dropping membership in an attempt to erase records of no shows, then rejoining will result in an outright ban from the group.  Also, having more than one profile per person is not allowed.

Skagit Adventure Group is a social group offering opportunities to go out and do fun things with other people. What this group is not, is the Meetup version of, or any other dating website. Member profiles are not there to browse through and send prospective dating partners messages. I know this group has single members, and some of them are open to meeting people to date. That said, some people are not here for that, and it may make them uncomfortable to feel like they're on a dating website. The last thing I want is people to avoid participating because someone is making them uncomfortable, either in person or on the website. If friendships or relationships develop through spending time together in group activities, great! I don't want to discourage that. Sending unsolicited e-mails to people you haven't met is inappropriate, as is being pushy/creepy in person. If someone is making you uncomfortable, please let me know.  Harassment and stalking will not be tolerated.

Dogs are welcome (if well-behaved) on most of our hikes and will often be off-leash.

If you've made it this far, I'd really appreciate your editing your profile for this group by answering, "I understand and agree." to the last question in your group profile (which refers to this message.)

Last but not least, please show up with a positive attitude and a desire to share fun activities with interesting people!