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What we’re about

Hey Hey!!
Welcome to OC Singles who Mingle 40+ / SoCal Fit & Fun !!
Thank you for checking us out!

Here's the deal:

  • We are NOT about looking for a Significant Partner or someone to date
  • But, We ARE looking for Significant Individuals
    • Perhaps
      • Like-Minded
      • Want to make some Quality Friends
      • Bored and want to get out and do stuff
      • Have the same interests or can expand to learn new ones
  • We are NOT accepting those who Flake, No Show, Have Attitude or Feel Entitled
  • But, we ARE looking for active individuals who want to explore and interact
  • We are NOT accepting Solicitors whether networking, sales, real estate, bit coin or whatever you got. If someone asks you for info, that's fine. But no soliciting.
  • But, we ARE about being welcoming, friendly, respectful and drama-free.
  • We ARE on average, ages 40s thru 60s, some older, some younger.

This is a newer group that started on June 26, 2021 and we've already hosted over 850 events in just 2 years of existence and with great attendance (95-100%)!! Numbers of attendees to events are NOT inflated.

Because we are a private and exclusive group, we are selective with which "Requests to Join" are accepted and will remove members who we later decide are not a good fit for various reasons and also those who are not actively attending events. If you feel "entitled", have a bad attitude or do not like the rules for this group, then this group is NOT for you. No need for the verbal abuse, if you are not a good fit. We are all adults. Violations are cause for removal from the group.

If you are Single, Divorced, Separated, Widowed, an Empty Nester, or maybe all your friends & family are married and you don't wanna be the 3rd Wheel, or maybe you do have a spouse or partner, but they may not wanna do the same stuff as you...if any of those examples sound familiar, then this group is for you. Being single doesn't mean you have to be alone, nor looking for a romantic partner.

Definition of "Mingle" is to move freely around a place or at a social function, associating with others. It does NOT mean to look for a partner to date and especially not to hook up!!! Please understand that. This group is to allow a safe space for those who just want to make friends to hang out with and not feel they gotta tippy-toe around someone who may get the wrong idea if someone is just being nice.

**While there may be some who may be in search of a romantic partner, this is NOT the intent of this group and we want to avoid drama, mistaking the wrong message, walking on eggshells, any form of embarrassment etc. This group is to make quality friendships, do stuff together and meet people organically. If you happen to meet someone special, in this group, it will hopefully have started out as friends and built on a solid foundation.**

Our goal is to create and build a solid group of hopefully close friends, like a second family maybe, that you look forward to seeing again and again at the next event. We want you to feel like this group is your home and that you are welcomed and fit right in. We want you smiling, laughing and having a great time and a great experience at whatever event of ours that you choose to attend! You'll notice that we not only have a LOT of events per week, but various kinds because we happen to LOVE variety! But please also remember, the Organizer pays an annual fee to have this group and all events are planned with labor and love in addition to their own personal finances for some events too. Event Hosts also volunteer time and efforts. This is NOT our job, so please be respectful.

While I am NOT actively looking for more Event Organizers, I do welcome ideas especially if YOU plan to host it because I may have either done it already or may not necessarily have an interest myself.

We are a group of fun adults, who enjoy mingling together while making new quality friendships and enjoying social activities and events like:
Bike Riding, Tactical Training, Hiking, Walking, Axe Throwing, Karaoke, Dining Out, Happy Hour, Comedy Clubs, Road Trips, Int'l & Domestic Travel, Potlucks, House Parties, Get Togethers, SUP/Kayaking, Bowling, Shows/Concerts and anything else that looks like fun.

That being said, if you ARE looking for a partner, please respect boundaries and NO CREEPY vibes (see definition below), no random direct messaging, stalking or hook-ups. That's not what this group is for and people should meet organically. There ARE ppl in this group who are dating or married, so it's NOT cool to assume everyone is available nor looking and start messaging folks. That is very disrespectful to them and their partner. Also, if things don't work out, please be a mature adult and keep any drama and gossip OUTSIDE of this group.

We care about honest, respectful, loyal, trustworthy quality people. We want to create a safe space for everyone, especially for those who desire it. I have no issues removing people from the group esp if I feel they violated one or more of the group rules, are not a good fit and/or did something wrong and in very poor judgment. If there is ever an issue, please private message me.

¸.•♥ ´¸.•*♥´¨) ¸.♥•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸ ;.♥• Jenny .♥
Assistant Organizer & Founder
Group founded: June 26, 2021


Stay Fit! Be Happy!

-Dr. Venus
Group Organizer

A few housekeeping items:

*All members must have a clear, CURRENT and recognizable picture (i.e. no pics from your younger years in high school/college, memes, cartoons, pets, kids, sunglasses, landscapes etc. You know who you are) so that we can identify you at events. Those without one are subject to removal from the group.

*Strict Zero Tolerance Policy: We ask that you actively and enthusiastically participate in our events, especially with the time, efforts and occasionally additional monies that it takes for us to put an event together. We ask that you respect all organizers, hosts, and attendees. This includes honoring your RSVPs and letting us know if you can’t make it as soon as you are aware. We understand that situations may come up or even another event of more interest. Please be honest and communicate. Those who have 3+ "no show" or frequently RSVP and then cancel will be subject to removal.

*Active Member Requirement: You must ATTEND a minimum of one (1) event per quarter. RSVPing for an event (incl. those in the far future) and then not attending does NOT count as being an active member. You must have attended a min. of 1 event with the current quarter. Frequent cancellations and No-Shows are subject to removal from the group.

*We ask that you do not contact (private message) members you haven’t met in real life. Also, the message must be welcomed. If it is not, please refrain from doing so. Exceptions include inquiring about group events with the prospective hosts and organizers regarding an event.

*Keep in mind that this is NOT a dating group, altho it may happen if you meet and there is a mutual connection. If things work out, great!! But if it doesn't, please keep any drama outside.

*NO Creepy Vibes - I didn't think that I would need to define this, as this should be common sense. Please do not stalk, stare, make lewd or inappropriate comments, or any unwelcomed advances on any person in the group - male or female. Please be respectful to everyone. Do not assume that a person (or group of individuals) accepts your behavior.

*This group does NOT care if you are Black, Brown, Yellow, Green, Red, White or Blue!! We also don't care if you are Tall, Short, Round or Thin nor if you have Red, Black, Blond, Blue, Pink, Brown or whatever color in between or none for your hair. Whatever your status is, pronouns and anything far in or in-between, we only care that you are an honest and kind person to others and not have a bad attitude. Treat others well and they will and should reciprocate in return.

**By joining our MeetUp group, you agree to the MeetUp terms of service releasing the organizers, assistant organizers, event organizers, hosts, and members from any liability related to any incidents, injuries, or accidents that may occur at MeetUp events**

**If you have been declined membership to this group or have been removed from this group, it is because you didn't fully answer ALL questions when joining, unacceptable profile pic etc. OR violated one or more of any of these rules. If you feel any of these rules are childish or cannot respect or accept boundaries, please read again that this is a private & exclusive group in which the Organizer owns, operates and bears the right to make rules and choose who may join. You also have the right not to join.

Eligible attendees are encouraged to be fully vaccinated or had a recent negative testing prior to attending any event. Note that we are NOT checking vaccine records for this meetup. It is up to you to assess your own level of acceptable risk and take any precautions you deem prudent ie wearing masks and washing hands. That said, please use common sense and do not attend if you are experiencing flu-like symptoms or otherwise feel unwell.