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What we’re about

New to the area? Looking to build new friendships? If so, our kickball group is for you! We are a seasoned group with over 200 Meetups under our belt. To solidify our camaraderie after the game we play an additional game of kickball, ultimate frisbee or dodgeball. Afterwards we head on over to a local food establishment to wet our whistle and fill our bellies. It doesn't get much better than that. 

We like people who want to attend, and we know you'd like us one you've met us! We keep our member list updated and fresh (no wallflowers here). So, make sure you come out from time to time, or you'll be put in the penalty box.

Now we know what you're thinking, how awkward is it to show up with a bunch of people I don't know? Well, no need to worry because we don't bite.

So be sure to join us! We all can't wait to meet you!