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What we’re about

Let's rebel against the man!

Do you want to meet people in person without talking about politics or the "news"?

Let's get out and meet new people again and stop listening to the Karens. This is for people to enjoy the little things in life together.

If someone has an idea, you may create an event to see if others are willing to risk the end of the world by connecting with strangers again.

If you know a friend who stopped going out, invite them out.

I encourage meeting in smaller groups initially for dinners, dancing, walks, bike rides, festivals, etc., to get to know each other. Yet if people would like to attend festivals or larger events, it may be easier to meet somewhere very specific inside or outside the venue.

Please make your main profile picture a clear picture representing your face. I know that it’s annoying. I even have problems changing my pic on here.
I’ve been trying to change an ugly pic of me sideways in many groups for months. The profile pic one has when joining a group attaches to that group regardless of future changes.

It’s so others can trust matching your online profile to you in person. If you don’t want to meet in person, I suggest other groups. If someone without a profile pic of a face RSVPs for an event, then I will cancel the RSVP until they do.

If you RSVP for an event and cannot attend, please cancel at least 24 hours in advance. We understand that things come up yet someone else may be able to attend and needs notification. I had to stop making RSVPs for nice restaurants or events because I had to pay for their inability to cancel their RSVP. I don’t want to cost the business lost revenue when the business can serve someone else instead. I’m not going to pay for it nor will I sign onto paypal to make someone else pay like some do. We do not need ghosts, yet it's understandable if something except anxious denial comes up.