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What we’re about

Hello from Social Sisters.

Our mission is to provide a place for like-minded women to meet for fun and friendship at private events in a collaborative atmosphere.

Membership Requirements

1.       You must use your true name.
2.       You must upload a photo of yourself.
3.       Members have a 30-day free membership to get acquainted with the types of events offered and with other members.  Dues will be billed at some point after a 30-day trial for new members at the rate of $1.00 per month in a single, non-refundable payment. Dues will be prorated to end in April when all members will pay dues for the upcoming year at a $24 annual rate. Dues are not refundable for any reason.  Group organizer will pay the Meetup fees out of the dues collected.
4.       Upon payment of dues, membership will be upgraded to “Event Host”.
5.       It is preferable that members live within 15 miles of San Martin for the sake of participation.  Exceptions are made based on discussion with the group organizer. 
6.       To maintain membership, each member must attend 4 events per year. This does not apply to legacy members with complimentary memberships.
7.       Members must host 1 event annually.  The event may be located at the member’s home, at a clubhouse, a public space such as a winery or restaurant, etc.  Members must commit to a hosting month upon payment of dues and it must be within a year of her membership anniversary.  If hosting is not possible, please contact the group organizer. This does not apply to legacy members with complimentary memberships.
8.       If an event host schedules an event to be held in her home and she has not met you, you must clear attendance with the host before submitting your RSVP.
9.       If there is an attendee-limited, recurring event each participant must host one of the events in rotation unless otherwise noted in the description.  To participate, member must sign up to host one of the events upon submission of her first positive RSVP.  If member finds she cannot host on the date she selected, it is her responsibility to find someone else to host.  Member will be removed from the event series to make way for those that can commit to a hosting date if no date is chosen upon her RSVP.  Substitutes are not required to sign up for hosting within the event series.
10.   Although there are times it can't be avoided, dropping off an event within 2 days of the event for which you've signed up doesn't work for hosts and waitlisted members counting on you to help make events successful.  Members who repeatedly change their RSVPs close to the event may be removed from the Social Sisters.
11.   Member hosts will determine what conditions of attendance related to Covid. Proof of vaccine should be submitted to the group organizer. Guests, if allowed, must meet these requirements.
12.   Women guests are welcome to attend events with a member if the host has opened the event to guests. Guests must meet the same Covid vaccination rules mentioned above.
13.   If not stated explicitly, events are for women only.
14.   If a member has not viewed the group in 3 or more months, the member may (not will) be removed from the group.  The exceptions to this include:
a.       The member moved out of the area and may return from time-to-time at which point the member may join us for an event.  Relocated members are not subject to dues since their benefit is limited.
b.      The member is traveling for an extended period.
c.       The member or a family member living with her is experiencing a critical life challenge.
d.      The member is grieving the loss of a close friend or family member. 
e. Member has a complimentary membership.
f.      There may be other exceptions – please contact the group organizer.
15.   Members may not promote her business or sell goods or services to the members.

Although it is rare, members may be denied membership or removed from the group due to location, behavioral issues, or compatibility reasons at the discretion of group organizer.

If you are unwilling to meet the spirit of the above membership criteria, please do not request membership

So there you have it.  We hope to meet you soon!