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What we’re about

We are a circle of open minded, loving humans coming together to support each other growing and healing. We meet in person weekly at a beautiful home in Fletcher. There is no charge for the event but love offerings are welcome.

What is somatic meditation? An engaging, fun, and satisfying approach to meditation. We are practicing noticing and engaging with the body, as opposed to leaving the body. Learning how to be in our bodies is grounding and healing. So often spiritual practices bring us up and out of our bodies, leaving no one home to tend to "us." Our practice includes feeling our sensations and noticing our thoughts. We practice accepting, allowing and full surrender to what's happening in our bodies and minds. We track where stillness lives in the body and where it isn't. As we surrender and allow what's already happening, we stop resisting what is, who we are, what we are experiencing, and we have deeper access to our stillness. Bingo!

What's a meet up like?
We start with a heart circle, each sharing what's alive for us and what we notice in our bodies, and then we begin a facilitated journey inward. Alexander and Karin will be your facilitators, and we have been practicing and sharing this process for over 7 years. We have special topic evenings, such as money, abundance, food/eating, relationships, etc, and honestly whatever is up for folks.

We flow with what's alive with the group and our process is emergent. Our community is loving, encouraging, supportive and relaxed. Our desire is to heal, grow and support each other along the way. We are big fans of the power available in groups to amplify healing. If you've never tried to meditate or are a long term meditator, come and try it out. We love meeting new people and love geeking out about all the different avenues of healing and being. We strive to hold a non-dualistic space free of dogma and full of connection and fun.

Upcoming events (3)

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