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What we’re about

Join members of the Southern Maryland Social Club (SMSC) for hikes, bike rides, sports and recreation, happy hours, outdoor activities, dinner parties, parties for no reason, theatre, brunches, movies, cultural events, volunteer activities, charity events, and more. Broaden your social circle, pursue shared interests, strengthen community ties, and have fun!

Accurate RSVPs are crucial for our event planning. If you can't attend an event, please remove yourself from the RSVP so we have a final count. This is especially important if we need to make a reservation beforehand, as it ensures everyone's comfort during the events.

MeetUp charges the group organizer annual fee to keep the group up and running. I have set up annual dues of $4.00 for all members (less than your Starbucks run or happy hour drink!), which cover the cost of maintaining this platform, encourage members' participation, and contribute to organizers who help plan the events. You have 30 days to look around and participate in any of our events and meet the organizers and other members. Your support is invaluable, and I thank you in advance for being a member of our group πŸ’•

While we're still using the MeetUp platform, I have started a FaceBook group so we can continue this group off the MeetUp platform as it becomes rather costly to manage. Please join our group here: Southern Maryland Social Group

Feel free to let me know if you have any suggestions for activities, new restaurants, fun events, or anything else that we should do.

See you soon!