What we’re about
We are a group of AI professionals working remotely in Sonoma County. We're forming a community to host speakers on topics like LLMs, AI infrastructure, AI tools, unstructured data, data science, ML, and best practices putting AI in production.
Upcoming events (1)
See all- Sonoma AI with WineThe Barlow Center, Sebastopol, CA
This is an in-person event! Registration required in order to get in.
Topic: Sonoma AI (and wine) Meetups for remote SF Bay Area tech workers
What we’ll do:
Have some food and wine. Hear three exciting talks about developing with AI platforms, tools, unstructured data, and generative AI.3:30 - 4:30 - Welcome/Networking/Registration
4:35 - 5:00 - Talk 1
5:05 - 5:30 - Talk 2
5:35 - 6:00 - Talk 3
6:05 - 6:30 - NetworkingTech Talk 1:
Tech Talk 2:
Tech Talk 3:
Who Should attend:
Anyone interested in talking and learning about developing Generative AI Apps.Where:
This is an in-person event. Registration using this form is required to get into the event. Registration in advance will close 2 days before the event. Capacity 150. Sponsored by (TODO add link).Are you interested in speaking or sponsoring a Sonoma AI with wine event? 🍷 Let us know!
Image: created using FLUX.1 schnell with the prompt renoir boating party with robot in the redwoods.