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What we’re about

This group is specifically for soulful sensitive and super natural leaders who create wild impact in the world and desire to do it walking along-side other empowered people.

Connection is everything to those who are constantly thriving to evolve and grow. You know how super natural leaders move so effortlessly when they disconnect from what everyone else is doing and stay fully connected to themselves.

Where they feel a million dollars everyday, no matter what is unfolding around them.

Well, that is what spending time in one of the Wealth of You group spaces feels like, the festival vibe where you connect so easily to random strangers and have the most meaningful conversation.

There is no overthinking, doing more or questioning your next move, you move in your own power and never second guess a thing.

This circle brings the collective growth, pleasure and energy tune up needed for us to step into our full powerful true paths with ease and grace.

It is right for you if you are the kind of person who would normally choose to do everything on your own because a lot of people around you do not quite understand the mission you are on and it is just easier to navigate things your own way.

The unconventional, outside the box thinking and multi-dimensional entrepreneur or self-employed business owner who moves fast and wants the space to integrate their growth.

Online event spaces available for coaching or mentorship.