What we’re about
We may attend live music performances at local venues, view movies, have house parties and experience ethnic dining.
Bowling, beach, bikes, bars, boating, board-games and even activities that don't start with "B" will be ok too!!
Let's explore all the letters of the alphabet.
Let's get together for affordable Wine Tasting Excursions for wine lovers in the South Bay and neighboring cities. We can also have local wine, beer and cocktail tasting events for local businesses with the group to get some wine education, good times, good people and experiences. We can order simple flights to tickle our taste buds or get drinks to expand our taste palettes.
Group rules:
- No Put Downs
- Speak For Yourself
- Listen To Others
- Expect Unfinished Business
- You Have The Option To Pass
Also good to know:
For events organizers may not discriminate by Age, Gender, Gender Preference, Ethnicity, National Origin, Race, Color, Religion, or even Belly Button Lint.
Upcoming events (4)
AGAPE IN ORANGE COUNTY! – SOUL CENTER OC - GUIDED GROUP MEDITATION - EVERY SUNDAY AT 10:00 – OPEN HOUSE after service on who we are as a spiritual community and our New Thought Ageless Wisdom Spirituality, history, and practices. All are welcome.
Give yourself permission to relax and rejuvenate. 40+ Attendees also streamed Live at 10:00 (Details Below) Come in-person – relax - we sit in chairs. Experience a group guided meditation where all you need to do is relax. Whether a beginner or having a daily meditation practice, come sit, relax and travel within to the quiet, powerful place that is always there. The Most Important Trip You Can Take Is The Journey Within.
BRING YOUR KIDS! Soul Center Kids’ program during meditation and as well as service is for busy parents to have peace of mind and a relaxed time for meditation. Conscious parenting is an important part of Soul Center and check out our kids, youth and young adult programs.
Is life a series of random events or is there a way the universe works? Join Soul Center and the consciousness crowd on Sundays for meditation, inspiration and deepening your spiritual connection. Feeling Spiritual but not religious? Go within or Go Without.
Meet like-minded people for casual social connections in a safe place. Come early, stay for a nosh and chat with people about the meditation, your experience, ideas, and inspiration received. The community you seek is seeking you.
Guided Group Meditation
(Doors close promptly at 10:00 for meditation to preserve quiet space and reopens at 10:25)
Inspirational – Motivating – Encouraging – Positive – Stimulating
Special musical guest artist every Sunday
Soul Center
2082 Business Center Drive
Irvine, CA. 92612
See you at the Welcome Table. Dress casual. Come early, stay after, hang around for coffee, finger food and chat with people about the meditation, ideas and inspiration received. Live and love. Simply, we are a group of people who gather to meditate together, get inspired regularly from each other for living in higher consciousness.
Rev. Keith is a Licensed Practitioner, Minister and Faculty member at the Agape International Spiritual Center in Culver City, CA. Rev. Keith is a huge advocate of self-care and empowerment and regularly facilitates classes throughout the U.S.A. focusing on Divine energy medicine, holistic wellness, science & spirituality, meditation and nature retreats. Rev. Keith believes that all paths can lead to spiritual liberation, and that practicing the cornerstones of meditation, affirmative living and prayer, and gratitude on a regular basis cultivates the experience of wellness and joy.
Join us on FB Live:
Or live stream here:
There is no cost or fee, but you can donate if you so choose. As the value in the experience resonates with you, invest in your own spiritual growth. Supporting Soul Center for more of the same and for you to come again.
We have heard and read of the positive benefits from Meditation. Meditation can help slow the mind and open the heart. The only thing we control is our attitude. Personal changes and transformation are an ‘Inside Job’. Go within as we attract not what we want but what we are.
Physical Benefits of Meditation
With meditation, the physiology undergoes a change and every cell in the body is filled with more energy. This results in joy, peace, enthusiasm as the level of energy in the body increases.
On a physical level, meditation:
· Lowers high blood pressure
· Lowers the levels of blood lactate, reducing anxiety attacks
· Decreases tension-related pain, such as, tension headaches, ulcers, insomnia, muscle and joint problems
· Increases serotonin production that improves mood and behavior
· Improves the immune system
· Increases the energy level, as you gain an inner source of energy
Mental Benefits of Meditation
Meditation brings the brainwave pattern into a relaxed state that promotes healing. The mind becomes fresh, delicate and beautiful. With regular practice of meditation:
· Anxiety decreases
· Emotional stability improves
· Creativity increases
· Happiness increases
· Intuition develops
· Gain clarity
· Problems become smaller
Meditation sharpens the mind by increasing focus and expands through relaxation
A sharp mind without expansion causes tension, anger and frustration
An expanded consciousness without sharpness can lead to lack of action/progress
The balance of a sharp mind and an expanded consciousness brings perfection
Meditation makes you aware - that your inner attitude determines your happiness. - Anaheim Ducks Hockey GameHonda Center, Anaheim, CA
Hello all! I'm not a sports nut, but I've been wanting to check out more sporting events in the area just for fun. If you want to go see the Anaheim Ducks play at the Honda Center, come join me for a game!
Here are some upcoming games. Let me know which one you're interested in, and we can get tickets for it.
- Feb 27 (Thursday) at 7:00 PM
Ducks vs Vancouver Canucks - Mar 30 (Sunday) at 5:00 PM
Ducks vs Toronto Maple Leafs
If you want to see other game options, here's the link: 2025 Ducks Schedule
The cheapest seats are $30, but there are much closer resale seats available for $85. I don't really care where we sit, so we can decide on the best price as a group.
Feel free to message me on Meetup to coordinate, or here is my phone number: (804) 525-0084. Go Ducks!
- Feb 27 (Thursday) at 7:00 PM