Spirit Talks is a collection of friends and strangers all gathering with the intention of cultivating spiritual-based conversations. Group size has generally been 6-8 people and is perfect for those looking for connection outside of organized religion.
Through many years of conscious conversations, I have found that a lot of people feel alone on this path. We want you to know you are not alone, you are not crazy, and there are many people going through and experiencing many of the same things. This is set up as casual conversations where you will be able to meet people of all levels of spiritual exploration. You will be able to share your experiences and possibly offer or gain insights that will lead to a deeper understanding. You may be the answer to someone's prayer and someone you meet may be the answer to yours.
Join us this Sunday. All you need to do is come in and sit down and see where the conversations take you.
Look for the table sign that says Spirit Talks.