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What we’re about

This is a group for anyone interested in practicing and developing psychic, intuitive, mediumship and channeling abilities.

We are a community of like minded individuals. We offer Online Circle Groups for development and practicing of skills, as well as workshops and opportunities for learning and growth. It is a wonderful community of Light and Love. If this group does not resonate with you, there are so many wonderful groups out there to check out (see meetup groups listed below).

We have new Co-Organizers who will be Hosting new groups for our community!!!

HISTORY -- 💜This Spiritual Development Circle Group was starting back in 2018 with a face to face meeting in Knoxville, TN. During and After 2020, the Wednesday Online group was created and has been going strong for many years now.

We extended into other meetup groups (see announcement below). Spiritual Development Circle Group is creating new groups coming soon, thanks to our new Group Hosts and Co-Facilitators: Holly, Kenneth, Kimberly P., Vanessa (UK) and Heather.

Thank you to all of the beautiful lights who come to practice with us, who share their love and light with the group, and who offer gratitude donations to group leaders (always appreciated). Thank you to all of you who have Hosted meetups, offered to cover the host when needed, and acted as timekeepers and teachers in the breakout rooms.

Everyone here is Truly Loved and Appreciated💙

If you are looking for practice times and dates not listed here in this group -- Our amazing and talented Leader and group member, Jolan Marchese, started Two Meetup Groups to check out for practice spaces:
💜Check out Around the Spiritual Fire
💜Check out

Spiritual Development Circle Group ASKS:
This is a safe, loving, supportive community for practitioners of all levels, especially for those who are new to metaphysics. Come join the fun!

To keep it SAFE:
💙Please do not partake in use of alcohol or illicit drugs during practice sessions
💙Please use your camera if you have one and be fully dressed on camera (in other words, be respectful to other members) - we have had issues with Zoom Bombers in the past
💙Loving Reminder - Spiritual People, Teachers, Mentors, and Hosts are all experiencing being Human like all of the other human beings on this Earth
💙We have people from all over the US and the World, so please remember our primary purpose (Spiritual Development) which means we refrain from talking about Polarizing
Topics during group time
💙This probably does not need to be said to the members of this group, however, just for clarity: Negative Gossip about other groups, group leaders, and group members is not an acceptable behavior - everyone is different, we are a diverse group of people
In Other Words- We ask that you bring your Love and Light with you
💙If a group, group member, or group leader is not For You, not in Alignment with You - simply find the people and groups that are💙

💜Love and Light,
Kimberly Barrett

Upcoming events (4+)

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