What we’re about
Come Ride With Us! The Spokane Bicycle Club is a recreational and social organization that promotes lifelong cycling for fun and health. Group rides range from leisurely 10-mile social rides to longer fitness and endurance rides, as well as occasional multi-day tours. Some rides are urban and some are in the wider Inland Northwest around Spokane and Coeur d'Alene. We offer monthly meetings showcasing cycling adventures and innovation, and we advocate for safe cycling through sponsoring and supporting cycle-positive events and activities. More about our club can be found at: www.spokanebicycleclub.org. To JOIN the Spokane Bicycle Club ($25 per year individual membership), and support our rides and bike advocacy efforts, go to Spokane Bicycle Club membership
The Club offers Zwift indoor trainer group rides four days a week Nov-Feb. Details at: SBC on Zwift
Note: Helmets are required on Club rides.
Upcoming events (2)
See all- Saturday Ride - Elder RollersEast 57th Avenue & South Regal Street, Moran Prairie, WA
Date: Feb 22
Name of Ride: Elder Road Rollers
Start time: 10:00 AM
Meet: Safeway, 57th & Regal
Terrain: a dozen short, steep hills on unpaved dirt and gravel. Note: this route is road-surface dependent. We may elect a shorter, less hilly option if road is too snowy/icy. Palouse Hwy - Valley Chapel - Elder Rd · Ride with GPS - 1949 feet of climb. Mud on some unpaved sections.
Distance: 25
Pace: 10-12 mph
Description: Palouse Hwy and Elder Road dirt roads. Eat chili and homemade cinnamon rolls at Sally's after the ride.
Weather policy: Rain/snow - Please call leader to check on status of ride.
Leader: Sally Phillips
Phone: 509-448-6271Helmet required on ride.