What we’re about
Come join...
You do NOT need to be SINGLE to join this club... Nor is this a HOOKUP scene...
It's just a club where INDIVIDUALS can GET TOGETHER to be SOCIAL... eating, drinking, laughing, playing games, going bowling, checking out a comedy show, live music venue or pub...
... maybe even take a roadtrip or a cruise!
Just plain... SOCIALIZING!!!
Age group:Any
Sex: Any
Our goal is for every member to feel safe and comfortable in this club.
Any concerns or complaints of "creep-like behavior" are taken very seriously and offenders risk being removed and banned from the club.
So please...
NOTE: For the sake of everyones safety, we request all members have a profile that uses their first name and includes a picture of the member.
All attendees please note: This is a public space where photos may be taken by various people. They often end up on social media and may be used by the organizers as they choose.
Liability Disclosure - The sole function of the organizers in this group is to arrange the theme and time of the event. Each person (including guest members) who signs up for an event is responsible for his or her own safety. By signing up for an event organized by this group, you and your guest(s) are acknowledging that you are all aware of the risks, dangers and hazards associated with any event and freely accept and fully assume all such risks, dangers and hazards, and further agree to release and discharge this Meetup group & its organizers from and against any and all liability arising from you and your guest(s) participation in any of the group events.