What we’re about
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Monthly Reiki Energy Circle ⭕️ first formed in 2019 in Staunton. The group first began their group meetings at Sanctuary Yoga 🧘♀️ and Wellness http://www.stauntonyoga.com
. - where Sits NOW Queen City Music Studio.
THE location of the Meetup Varies from month to month as members volunteer their home to host. The circle ⭕️ is open to other energy techniques being presented - Reiki Practice is still the dominant practice performed from the teaching of Mikao Usui. 12 step protocol.
Who: Anybody interested in Receiving and Sharing Healing Energy. Beginners, Interested Souls, and Advanced Practicioners welcome
Why: Collective Consciousness and receiving love ❤️ FEELS GREAT
Format: Grounding Meditations, Healing Music 🎶, and a Chance for Everyone to receive Energy Treatment
When: Varies in location and Time
Group Leaders: First Group leaders were Paul Kelly and Gerry Stowers
Paul has been involved in Bhakti and Seva yoga for over 20 years. He began his journey into physical or Hatha Yoga in 2001. The primary influence in Paul's practice and instruction style has been Godfrey Devereux with whom Paul earned a 500 hr yoga teacher training certificate in 2007. Paul's general objective is facilitating the experience of unity for practitioners. You will find aspects of Iyengar, Ashtanga Vinyasa and Vini yoga styles making up Paul's approach to practice and instruction. This means that attention is paid to alignment, grounding, breath-body synchronization, graceful movement, the bandhas, the breath and awareness. Paul teaches Kundalini yoga 7 am Kundalini Yoga at Sanctuary Yoga and Wellness 3 days a week.
Gerry Stowers has practiced Massage and Reiki In Staunton for 23 years (www.massagebook.com/me/gerrystowers) and received her Reiki Master in 2006 under the tutelage of Reiki Master Teacher Gerry Eitner http://www.gerryeitner.com. She also received additional training with Frans Steine at the International House of Reiki in 2010 http://www.ihreiki.com. She volunteers her time as a Reiki Volunteer at Augusta Health currently and has previously volunteered at Faquier County Hospital on post-natal unit for mothers. Gerry has studied a wide variety of healing arts - acupuncture, yoga, Craniosacral therapy - She offers her massage at Meditation in Motion Healing Arts at 217 East Beverley Street Staunton Va.
For more info : 540-255-2182
Fee: Pay as you like