This is our regular meeting at Asda Stevenage, held on the 1st Friday of every month.
Please note by RSPV or attending all attendees have agreed to comply with Asda’s room booking policy as set out in the Message boards here:
A wide selection of other peoples board games are usually available to play, but feel free to bring some of your own. FOR NEW MEMBERS THE FIRST MEETING IS FREE. For the rest of us a £1.00 donation requested which goes towards registration fees.
If can park for free in the Asda car park, however you must REGISTER YOUR CAR (this is so you don't get a parking fine). This can be done in one of two ways:
- At the touchscreen kiosks by the visitor book in the backroom reception area (see below).
- At the customer service desk past the main entrance on the right. Tell them you are visiting Stevenage Boardgame Club in Training Room 1.
GETTING TO THE ROOM (Training Room 1)
Enter the store by the rightmost entrance, walk down the first aisle, past the counter and the seafood section. Turn right throught the service double doors to get to the visitor reception area.
Here you'll find the VISITOR BOOK that everyone MUST SIGN, and the touchscreen kiosks for the CAR PARK REGISTRATION.
Continue down the corridor through another set of double door. Training Room 1 is on the right after the toilets.
The room is spacious and air conditioned / heated, and hot water is available if you want to bring your own cup/teabags etc.
If you need to drop out on the day PLEASE UPDATE your RSVP (where practical) so that other people know how many to expect and don't spend precious playing time waiting.
When possible, please give a quick explanation. Thanks! :-)