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What we’re about

This is a study group, or book club if you will, for the thoughtful reading and discussion of the great classic literature in philosophy, psychology, sociology and related areas throughout history. 
Each event will have a syllabus of reading that should be done before the event, and the participants are expected to have done the reading and prepared for a discussion.

Depending on the members in the group, we can branch out into related topics and/or media forms.
Event will be free of charge and are not affiliated with any organization. The place can vary, but will likely be at some café of choice. In order to have good discussion while giving everyone the time and space to talk, I see 3-5 people as the ideal group size for a conversation. If an event has more attendees, we'll split into smaller sub-groups.

That said, we are here to have fun and any guideline can be changed if we want it to!

Upcoming events (1)

See all
  • Johan Gottfried Herder's Treatise on the Origin of Language
    ilcaffè, Stockholm
    • AS
    • Photo of Martin Lundholm
    • Photo of Abhinav Neelam
    • DP
    • Photo of Myet