What we’re about
Try new games, meet new people, and find out what story games are all about! We play story games like Fiasco, Kingdom, Polaris and Microscope that encourage everyone at the table to participate creatively. We also have occasional one-shots of indie and narrative-focused RPGs such as Apocalypse World, Dread, and Lady Blackbird.
Everybody's welcome! It doesn't matter if you've never tried story games before or never played roleplaying games at all! Just bring your brain and a good attitude and come try it out!
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Community Standards:
- Welcome new members with kindness and enthusiasm. This is a group for anyone interested in story games, first-timers and veterans alike.
- Keep an "open table" mindset. Anyone is free to join or leave a game at any time, with or without explanation.
- Respect everyone. This means not doing or saying anything that is likely to make them uncomfortable, and listening if they say that your actions did upset them. Specifically,
- Absolutely no harassment: verbal, sexual, or otherwise.
- Absolutely no hate speech. In other words, do not express hate or suggest violence against anybody based on their marginalized identities.
- Use the correct name and pronouns. This means what is on their nametag or what they told you to use.
- Respect the privacy of others. Don't press people to share personal or contact information.
- Invite and include everybody's creative input.
- Respect everybody's bounds. Don't explore topics that anyone at the table is uncomfortable with, and don't ask them to explain their discomfort.