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What we’re about

Relationship losses or stress can be just as traumatic and life altering as illness, disease or death. Traumatic or stressful and unhealthy relationships can lead to upsets and destructive behaviors which can affect one’s mental and physical health or at least impact one’s happiness and chances for better survival. This can occur in intimate/family relationships, in friendships or in work relationships, affecting one’s job and career. It can color one’s attitudes, emotions and behavior and make life miserable unless one feels they can do something about the situation.

If you suffer from negative thoughts, self-doubt, unreasonable fears, unwanted/irrational or harmful behavior towards yourself or others or can’t seem to control getting upset or angry we can help. If you find yourself fighting with others, withdrawing into a cocoon of self-isolation or grief or loneliness or don’t know who to trust or how to choose the right people to associate with, then you are missing some key information and tools which can help you handle all of these unwanted situations.

• Why and how do the negative emotions of others affect you?
• How healing from past loss and stress will allow for a healthy relationship.
• What can be done to build a new, healthy relationship?
• Arguments and fighting - what's really behind them?
• Why do we sometimes feel compelled to hurt the ones we love?
• How one can stably change one’s outlook on life so they can affect positive change.
• Where do compulsive, destructive behaviors come from and what can be done about them.

You can put yourself in the driver’s seat and take control of your fate in love, life and business. You can make use of the breakthroughs and discoveries about the nature of the mind and how relationships are affected by past painful experiences and losses. Something can be done about it! Come, check out this Meetup and find out for yourself!

Our Meetup will provide a safe environment in which to learn, without fear of judgment or criticism, and without the recommendation of harmful mental techniques or therapies.

You can get yourself onto a happier & more successful path: in love & in life.

We look forward to having you join us!

Our event will be on Zoom. The information I will share includes tools from the Dianetics and Scientology Life Improvement Center. No membership, affiliations, or adherence to any belief system of any kind are required or implied by attending this event.

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