What we’re about
TAG Analytics is a place for Northwest Washington Analytics professionals to meet with each other on a monthly basis, share best practices in a small group setting, establish a strong network of peers, and gain technical advice and career direction. Join the TAG Community Hub (Discord) for discussion. Free. All are welcome.
We meet monthly on the second Tuesday of the month. Our monthly meeting agenda includes welcome, introductions, community news, featured topic, Q&A, and open discussion. Free. All are welcome.
Join us at the TAGNW Community Hub (Discord) for all TAGNW discussion, including community groups, events, and programs. https://tagnw.org/community-hub
TAGNW Community Groups:
TAGNW Community Groups encourage current and aspiring technology professionals to build community in shared purpose of technology education, personal and professional development, building relationships, and inspiring big ideas. TAG Community Groups on Meetup include:
TAGNW Analytics: https://meetup.com/tagnw-analytics
TAGNW Creative: https://meetup.com/tagnw-creative
TAGNW Cybersecurity: https://meetup.com/tagnw-cybersecurity
TAGNW Digital Marketing: https://meetup.com/tagnw-digital-marketing
TAGNW Engineering: https://meetup.com/tagnw-engineering
TAGNW IT: https://meetup.com/tagnw-it/
TAGNW Nonprofits: https://meetup.com/tagnw-nonprofits
TAGNW Women in Tech / NW Tech Women: https://meetup.com/nw-tech-women
See the TAG Community Hub for more community groups, including Connectivity and Robotics!
About TAGNW:
Technology Alliance Group for Northwest Washington is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization located in Bellingham, WA. We advocate for technology education, foster innovation, assist business, workforce, and economic development, and provide community for students, professionals, businesses, nonprofit organizations, and local government in Northwest Washington. We provide events, programs, and services to Strengthen Our Technology Community. Foremost, we build relationships and infrastructure in our community to do the things we do better together. Learn more at our website: https://tagnw.org.