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What we’re about

Take a Hike has a relaxed approach to walking, you'll find us a friendly group where everyone is made to feel welcome and make friends. We enjoy walking and taking in points of interest in and around Hampshire outstanding natural beauty and its surrounding counties. We also do day trips and weekends away.

Walks will mostly be on Sundays suitable for those who are comfortable and physically fit to complete walks from 8 to 10 miles (12k to 16k) at a moderate pace (2.5-3mph).

There is a modest cost of £2 for each walk. But on special days out and weekends away there might be attitudinal charges.

We are open to all aged 18 or over. This is a non smoking or vaping group.
All members must provide a recognisable picture of your face, without pets/mates or long distance pictures. This is so we can recognise and welcome you at events you attend. If you want anonymity then this group is not for you.


  1. We know you have your own speed of walking, but the walk leader will set the pace, so if you get ahead please make sure you can still see them. Walking speed is typically around 2.5 -3mph (24 minutes per mile.)
  • The walk leader or anyone else associated with the walks/trips can't accept responsibility for loss or injury to any members, their guests, dogs or damage to property or possessions, parked cars or the contents thereof. Basically, you agree to walk at your own risk.
  • You must ensure that you have the appropriate footwear, clothing and have brought your own first aid essentials.
  • Each walker will treat other members and their guests, members of the public, the countryside and its wildlife with respect, and agree to take all rubbish with them. Furthermore inappropriate behaviour such as harassment, unhealthy gossip or abuse of other members will result in removal from the group.
  • Please be considerate to your organiser and others by keeping up with your RSVP status. Please remember to cancel asap if you are no longer able to attend.
  • Being a 'No show' or holding spots ( double booking) until the last minute then not attending is not only rude, but impacts the ability for other members who could have attended due to waiting list, and to Organisers who expected a greater turn-out. If this happens repeatedly it could affect your ability to participate in future walks or be removal from the group.

Happy walking until we meet.