What we’re about
Do you feel you need more control over your life to reach your full potential, achieve happiness, and be successful? Do you want to be more effective in attaining your goals?
How valuable would it be to understand the two key factors determining your level of control over your life and how to address them?
So, what are these factors?
The first factor is that you may have relinquished control of your life to others by forming relationships that are not mutually beneficial. These relationships may be very one-sided, even narcissistic.
Healthy relationships lead to success and happiness, allowing you to feel empowered in your pursuits. In contrast, unhealthy relationships can dominate your life, make you timid, drain your zest for life, and ultimately result in a joyless and unhappy existence. They can leave you feeling uncertain and full of self-doubt, hindering your ability to attain your goals and reach your full potential.
In our meetups, you will learn valuable relationship know-how to help you create mutually beneficial connections rooted in genuine understanding. This knowledge is the foundation of all healthy relationships. Applying this knowledge can build connections that enhance your life and contribute to your success. Knowing and using this knowledge is essential to live a joy-filled life and achieve your goals.
The second factor is that past negative experiences may influence how you live your life today. Yesterday's experiences can shape how you feel, think, and act in the present. They can prevent you from being happy or successful and reaching your full potential.
In our meetups, you will gain insights into how your past can control you and learn about the technology that can reduce or eliminate this influence from your past.
This group is sponsored by a Dianetics and Scientology life improvement center.
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