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What we’re about

A group for playing modern hobby-style board games in the Tamaqua area; not for playing mass-market games like Monopoly, Exploding Kittens, or really anything from Parker Brothers & Milton Bradley. Modern hobby board games are generally less luck-driven and more tactical/strategic in nature.

Examples include...
Large-group games: Codenames, Spyfall, Just One, Skull, Tsuro, Sushi Go! Party, Wavelength, Mysterium, Monikers
Lightweight Euro-style games: Five Tribes, Istanbul, Viticulture, Lords of Waterdeep, Galaxy Trucker, Dead of Winter
Mid-weight Euro-style games: Russian Railroads, Root, Dominant Species, Terraforming Mars, Tesla vs. Edison, Scoville
Heavy-weight Euro-style games: Lisboa, Feudum, Leaving Earth, Pax Renaissance, Through the Ages
Splotter Games: Indonesia, Roads & Boats, Food Chain Magnate, Horseless Carriage, Bus, The Great Zimbabwe
Train Games: Age of Steam, Baltimore and Ohio, 18xx, Wabash Cannonball, South African Railroads
Abstract games like: Hive, Patchwork, Onitama, Azul, Tiny Towns, Santorini
Card games: Dominion, Glory to Rome, Modern Art, Tichu
Dice games: King of Tokyo, Croatian YAMB, Can't Stop, Noch Mal So Gut!
Cooperative games: Yggdrasil, Healthy Heart Hospital, The Crew, Micro Macro
Family games: Carcassonne, The Settlers of Catan, Ticket to Ride, Splendor
Dexterity Games: KLASK, Crokinole, Beasts of Balance, Bausack, PitchCar, Tumblin' Dice
Role-playing games: Dungeons & Dragons, Fiasco, Gooey Cube, Call of Cthulhu

New and veteran gamers welcome! Games played each night will generally cater to the general experience, skill-level, and enjoyment of attendees present.
If there's a game that you own and would like to bring, please feel free to do so - be mindful that certain games like Exploding Kittens, Unstable Unicorns, Cards Against Humanity, Apples to Apples, and Monopoly will be shunned, however.
Meetups are free to attend unless stated otherwise; oftentimes they will be hosted in local businesses, so your patronage to support them is greatly appreciated and encouraged.
If you have ideas for nearby venues/locales for future events to be held, even in the surrounding areas outside of Tamaqua, please reach out to the Meetup group Organizer and let him know.

Organizer: Joshua Acosta, MD

Upcoming events (4+)

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