What we’re about
See the program at www.jessicagerdel.com/#agenda
Updates via Meetup fail sometimes. Make sure to stay updated subscribing to our newsletter: www.jessicagerdel.com/#newsletter
Follow us on Facebook & Instagram: Abrazatango
Get into Tango Argentino, Yoga and Body-Mind Integration practices as a path into self-awareness and wellbeing through movement and encounter.
Join if you're interested in meeting people with similar interests, learning to listen to your body, discovering how that listening gives you tools to understand what you need and how to provide it, and to connect with yourself and others on a true and deeper level.
The goal is to integrate mind, body, soul and emotions finding which techniques are helpful for you in the stage you are at in your journey.
You're welcome to join the scheduled activities in the group and to suggest others you find interesting.
We do different things, from scheduled classes and workshops to gatherings and spontaneous meetups to share experiences and networking with people with similar interests and diverse backgrounds.
Our activities are in English and Spanish. In-person in Austria (mainly in Vienna) and online.
Facebook & Instagram: Abrazatango
Aprende Tango Argentino, Yoga y otras formas de integración psico-corporal como un camino práctico hacia el autoconocimiento y el bienestar.
Súmate para conocer personas con intereses similares, aprender a escuchar tu cuerpo, descubrir cómo esa escucha te brinda herramientas para comprender lo que necesitas, cómo proporcionártelo, y para conectarte contigo y con los demás de forma auténtica.
Apuntamos a la integración de cuerpo, mente y emociones encontrando qué técnicas te son útiles, sea cual sea la etapa en que estés en tu búsqueda personal.
Puedes sumarte a las actividades programadas en el grupo y sugerir otras que te parezcan interesantes.
Hacemos diferentes cosas, desde clases y talleres semanales hasta reuniones y encuentros espontáneos para compartir experiencias y ampliar tu red de contactos.
Nuestras actividades son en inglés y español. En persona en Austria (principalmente en Viena) y online.
SĂguenos en Facebook e Instagram: Abrazatango
Upcoming events (3)
See all- Tango Argentino Crash Course Fundamentals 2Haydngasse 1, Wien€50.00
This special crash course is designed to help you learn the Tango Argentino Fundamentals sooner than you imagine.
What if you didn't join the first part?
We'll do a short recap in the beginning that usually suffice if you're a bit familiar with movement and a quick learner. Alternatively, you can take a private lesson before the workshop if you prefer to have more time to go through the first part contents in more detail.If you think it's too much and don't want to wait until en of March for the next crash course, you can always learn in private lessons at your own pace and schedules. Simply write me a message for info or if you're undecided on what's best for your case.
The workshop
It is a 3h session with pauses to keep it light and give you room to digest what you learn.A complementary practice session in the evening will help you embody better what you learned, get the chance to ask any questions and receive additional feedback. (You can stay the full session or the time you want to practice)
Fundamentals part 2: Sunday Jan 19th, 15:00-18:00
+ complementary practice session 19:20-21:30đź“ŤHaydngasse 1, 1060 Wien
Join with or without a dance partner and invite your friends for a group discount.
You're welcome to choose the role(s) you want to learn and to learn both roles regardless of gender.
Bring a good attitude and an open mind to learn and co-create a good atmosphere for all and get ready to hit the dance floor!
Fundamentals 2 (Jan 19th, 15:00-18:00) €50
Practice session (Jan 19th, 19:20-21:30) €10Meetup special! 2x1 when registering in advance here. Make sure to add 2 units of your registration to the cart and apply the code MEETUP at checkout to get the discount.
Jessica Gerdel is a Tango Argentino certified instructor and Yoga teacher, graduated from the University of Tango in Buenos Aires and with further training in somatic education. Her work focuses on Body-Mind-Integration and wellbeing through tango dance and conscious movement. She offers intensive courses, thematic workshops and private lessons on demand, and organizes the Milonga Itinerante, an all-levels friendly milonga that takes place at varied locations in Vienna.
Check out her Facebook and Instagram: Abrazatango
See you there!!
- Tango Argentino intensive course with focus on BarridasHaydngasse 1, Wien€34.00
Continue your tango journey with attention to detail and quality. Improve what you know and learn new vocabulary towards improvisation, with the depth and patience that every learning process needs. In this cycle we focus on the technique of BARRIDAS.
These are 2h classes with a short break in the middle to keep them light.
You’re welcome solo or with friends/dance partner.
Learning both roles is welcome.
About this course:
Learn/improve the individual and partner technique to execute Barridas properly.
Learn varied figures and sequences where the technique of Barridas can be applied.
Experiment to create your own sequences applying what you learned and develop improvisational skills, which is actually the core of Tango Argentino.
Important: You need to have good basics to join this course. Contact me beforehand if in doubt or if you started to dance recently.
Jan 8., 15. & 22. (Wednesday) 20:00-22:00LOCATION
Haydngasse 1, 1060 WienPer class (2h) 35€ per person
Full course (3 classes, 6h) €95 per personRSVP or register here to save your place.
Looking forward to seeing you there!