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What we’re about

WELCOME TO OUR SITE and thank you for your interest in our group! We are a friendly and welcoming group (average age 55) who meet for walks and social events in Somerset, Devon and Dorset. Our programme is entirely volunteer lead by members of the group and we try to cater for a wide range of tastes and interests. There is almost always something on every weekend as well as during the week and we hope to see you at an event soon. Every walk or event has a 'host' who will welcome you and introduce you to some of our members, so you will soon feel at home.
Getting to know us:  we organise regular informal drinks events (TGIF or similar) in local venues. They are a great opportunity to meet us, find out what we do, and how you can get the most out of your membership.
The group is run on a voluntary basis by our Leadership Team: Hollie King (Group Organiser) and Julie Selway (Group Treasurer).  We also have a wider Leadership Group consisting of our regular Walk Leaders and Event Organisers.
Like many other Meetup Groups we ask for an annual subscription (renewable annually in July) to cover our running costs. If you would like to proceed this is what you need to do:
1)      Upload a clear and recent photo of yourself and click "Request to Join" to create a profile containing your first name and your surname - we need this to identify your payment; and 
2)     Transfer the annual subscription fee of £6.00 to our account. (Account Number 22241331 - Sort Code 40-44-04 – Account Name Taunton Walkers & Socialisers).  You will receive an email to confirm that your application has been approved.
Walks are graded according to their length and the terrain. We cater for beginners and experienced walkers. Please read the description and take your own level of fitness into consideration before signing up for a walk.
Everyone taking part in our activities does so at their own risk. We do not employ qualified guides, leaders or first aiders on any of our events. The group works on the same basis of being a group of friends who go out walking together, and who invite others to join them on this basis.
Event organisers and event hosts assume no responsibility for anyone attending any group event. The group, group organisers, event organisers and event hosts will not be held responsible for any accident, injury or loss occurring as a result of any group event or in connection with travel to such event, however caused.
When you join a walk or other event, you indicate that you accept these conditions and accept that no legal liability is accepted by the group, group organisers, event organisers or event hosts in the event of accident or injury, however caused.
Participants in group events are reminded that outdoor activities frequently need specialist equipment (boots, waterproofs, etc) and the group does not provide these. Participants are responsible for assessing their own risk, the safety of themselves and their guests and the suitability of any equipment used.
Any medical conditions that may affect the participants during the walk should be notified to the walk leader prior to the start of the walk.  Any participant in a walk or an event who has an existing medical condition is personally responsible for ensuring that they carry appropriate first aid/medication.
While accepting no responsibility or liability, for walks and other outdoor events, the event host or walk leader may, at their discretion, choose not admit you to join the walk or other event if in their opinion you are ill-equipped for the terrain and weather conditions.
Dogs: Well behaved dogs are allowed on walks at the discretion of the walk leader. Please see the individual event details or contact the walk leader.  Dogs must be kept under close control at all times and on a lead where necessary or requested by the walk leader. Dog owners must, at all times, ensure that they comply with the Countryside Code 2021, which can be read here.
Livestock: walks may include public rights of way across fields in which livestock are present.  Walk leaders are not responsible for how livestock could react and you should not approach livestock whilst crossing these fields. All gates MUST be left as they are found.
Guests: can only attend events with the event organiser's permission. The group’s disclaimer (see above) also applies to guests and it is the responsibility of any member who invites a guest to attend an event to make this clear to the guest.
Sharing Transport: if you are interested in sharing transport please post a message in the comments thread for the event in question.  A voluntary contribution towards the cost of petrol will be appreciated by the driver.
Booking a place on an event: each event has a first come first served number limit and a waiting list if an event is full. You will automatically be informed if your name moves from the Waiting List to the Going List.
Cancelling a place on an event:  it is your responsibility to "Edit Your RSVP" if your plans change so that someone else can take your place. Contact the event organiser if you are not sure how to do this. Other than in circumstances beyond your control please remove yourself from an event at least 48 hours in advance.
On the day:  walk leaders/event organisers will provide information on how they can be contacted if your plans change on the day.  As a courtesy to others, please avoid being a ‘No Show’ as this delays the start of the walk/event.  The Leadership Team reserves the right to suspend or remove membership from any individual who is a persistent ‘No Show’ on walks/events.