What we’re about
The Breakfast Club/NCC for Singles 50+ is a group for active single men and women age 50 plus. If interested you are encouraged to attend the monthly Breakfast held on the second Saturday of the month at 9AM at Avogadro's in Fort Collins. Perspective and current members, in all ages over 50, gather for socializing, conversation, sharing of ideas and BREAKFAST. You will get a sense of what the group is like. TBC wants our potential members to make sure that our Club is a good fit for them.
* The club is designed to meet people in a social setting, make friends, enjoy activities with others, and have a lot of fun.
* The Breakfast Club Northern Colorado Chapter (TBC-NCC) is one of 4 chapters in Colorado. Other chapters are in Denver, Castle Rock and Colorado Springs.
* We have a formal structure with a Board of officers and by-laws. Each chapter has council of at least 5-7 members that support The Breakfast Club Board.
* Attendance is allowed at three events open to everyone before making a decision whether to join or not.
* Events are organized by members and scheduled through the activities coordinator. Club members volunteer, plan, organize, and host activities that may include but are not limited to archery, pool, eating out, book clubs, game nights, escape rooms, movies, plays, hikes, ect.
* Events restricted to members only cannot be attended until dues are paid AND the membership form is signed.
* Members only events are events in which carpooling is required or in which the event is at someone's personal home or at the request of the host/hostess.
We do have a NO SHOW policy, which will be explained when a person joins.
* Annual dues of $25 are required for membership.
* TBC-NCC requires you to have a recent head shot picture of yourself (no group shots, pets, or scenic views), first name and initial of middle or last name, and a small bio on the Meetup site in order to join our group so please take a few minutes to complete the information.
* The Breakfast Club is not affiliated with any business, political, religious, or special interest group.
We look forward to meeting you!