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What we’re about

Hello and welcome to the Twin Cities Energy & Holistic Workers Meetup Group (TCEHW)!

Everyone is welcome here, whether you are an experienced healer/worker or just curious and want to learn more.

You will find that this group isn't all "Light and Fluff" nor is it all "Dark and Dirty" ...instead, it is a mixture of all the colors, creating the grey in-between all the colors, contributed to by all the frequencies, and in doing this, you allow for a much more potent and powerful transformation. We also look at the metaphysical things... and work on bringing them into a scientific or "real-world" basis and application.

This is a collaborative group which means it belongs to YOU, the members. Your participation is encouraged, at whatever level feels comfortable to you. Please join in our discussions, post to our message board, ask questions, offer barters, add to the calendar, suggest events or topics.

Each of us has our own path to follow, though the journey is a lot more exciting and fulfilling when we have others to share it with!

We are glad you are here!

Also, feel free to check out, and join, the Facebook connection at:

More things to know:

o Helping to attract FREE, low-cost, or by donation introduction workshops on new, progressive (or even commonly used) forms of healing modalities, allowing for practitioners, lay and professionals, to get a taste of the wide variety of modalities out there. Events, Classes, Workshops, etc, listed on this site should be Free (though you can charge up to $25 to help pay for the space, materials, etc). If you are charging for events, please have at least 1 out of every 3 events be a Free/No-Cost event,

o Holistic & Green Business Directory
The directory site is an extension of the TCEHW Meetup Site and helps consumers find the businesses that they are looking for... where as the Meetup Site is more of a social interaction site, though many of us are professionals/business owners.

Why did I create the TCHealers directory?Many businesses and professionals that are active on the TCEHW website want to promote their business wares, services, etc... though, for the most part, Meetup is not the platform for that. Meetup communities are for creating community, conversation and friendships... not for promoting you and what are trying to sell... though, often it can sometimes go hand-in-hand via events, mini-workshops, fun get-togethers, etc... though, it's not the primary focus (and shouldn't be for any meetup group as it's against Meetups Terms of Service). This is a HUGE reason why for events on this group that I have capped the maximum amount at $25, and strongly encourage Free or Free-Will Donation events.

Create your Business / Professional Listing on the TCHealers Directory:Standard Business Listings are only $8/year. There is also a free option for those who cannot afford the $8 at this time, though you will need to renew your listing ever 90 days to keep it active with the free option.

To create your listing, go to: and click "Register". Once registered, you will receive an email to confirm your email address and account. After confirming, go onto the page (login), and select "My Account" -> "Create Listing".

Keep in mind, I didn't create or maintain either site/group to make copious amounts of money. The TCEHW site I don't make money from... unless I ask for donations from time to time --- though that only covers the costs charge to me to keep the group open, though normally it's pure out of pocket expense for myself and Andre. For the TC Healers Directory site... honestly, I only want to cover the cost of the time it took me to create the site, purchase the software license for the software that maintains the site, as well as hosting fees, etc. If I actually do start producing money from that site, more than likely it will be put into that site to maintain it, or for additional advertising to promote the businesses on that site. Honestly, both sites for me I view as a Community Resource and almost like a good will activity.

PS --- if you know of a business that would make sense to list on the TC Directory site, please let them know about the website... or, if you want, create the listing yourself, and just pay for the 1 year listing for the business (it's a nice present for a small business).

o Always remember, "Word of Mouth" advertising is Priceless…


**As time goes on, the goals may change here and there… suggestions ALWAYS encouraged

*** Interested in Helping out? We are always looking for additional Assistant Organizers to help create and organize events. Also, if you want to help in other ways, that's always strongly encouraged, just let us know! (i.e. I don't have time to do Web Programming, though, I own my own server that we can use for the online directory)

Upcoming events (2)

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