Our random draw tournaments are perfect for players of all levels who love the thrill of the game and meeting new friends.
Teams will be assigned based on skill level before the tournament starts. This means you’ll get to meet and play with different people, making it a fantastic way to socialize and have fun! Each team will have a chance to keep playing, even if they lose a match! The tournament is set up so that teams are eliminated only after their second loss. Each match is played to 25 points, and teams must win by 2 points. So, get ready for some intense rallies and teamwork!
We play each Monday at Centennial Park in Port Charlotte. The cost is $5 (cash) per person and winners get free entry their next visit! Registration starts at 6pm and goes until 6:30. Teams of 3 or 4 will be assigned and announced. Then the tournament will start!
Grab your friends, bring your energy, and let’s see who can rise to the top in this exciting tournament! Meet new friends and connect with fellow volleyball enthusiasts
Perfect for players of all skill levels—everyone is welcome: The more you play, they better you get!