As we change with the times, so does our group. It has been re-named to "That 50's - 70's + Social Club". However, in keeping with Betty's original intent, we are still a group of people with an age range of 50 and up that gather to share friendship and a little shenanigans. We provide learning opportunities, recreational activities, social gatherings, concert meetups, artistic events, theater and much more. This group is a great resource for high quality fun and safe activities in the Green Bay area. Please be respectful of others.
The group consists of adults 50 years old and up that are not married. This is not a dating meetup site, so please be respectful of others within the group. Request to become a member today and enjoy a free trial on us!
If you have ideas for events, please let me know. If you would like to host events, it is fairly easy. So, again, let me know. Benefits of being a host, include, but not limited to; selecting a venue or event that you feel passionate about, free membership if you host at least 6 events per year and free meals at our new semi-annual host meeting.
When completing your profile, include your first name and first initial of your last name. Also upload a recent picture of only yourself. The picture will assist our hosts in identifying you in a crowd so you can join the scheduled meet up with us.