What we’re about
Who Are We, What Are We, Why Are We Doing This?
The Boston area has one of the most diverse information security ecosystems in the world.
We understand that the current community has several various meetups/events and expect some skepticism, so let us tell you what we are about:
• We are putting this together for Hackers & Information Security professionals to have a safe place to come meet like-minded people, share cool ideas, and discuss real issues.
• Our events are not a place for sales or recruiting. We will politely ask anyone that engages in this behavior to leave (this includes sponsors), unless we have an event specifically designed to engage those relevant parties (e.g., a recruiting event).
• Content starts at 7PM, with doors opening at 6:30PM to socialize. Content will be in the form of lightning talks (10-20 minutes), with breaks to meet and chat in-between. We aim for content to conclude between 8:15 and 8:30 PM, but will just go with the flow.
• Content will be driven by the community. We also remember that a big part of these events is to bring the community together, so lightning talks are preferred. This will not be a place that you come after work to watch people lecture at you for three hours. Contact the organizers if you wanna do talk or have content ideas!
• RSVPs are highly encouraged (and sometimes strictly required depending on the venue) for our events, but unless specified otherwise all practitioners, or those interested in learning about security, are encouraged to come eat, drink, meet others in the community, and share ideas... no strings attached.
• If you would like to submit a talk for speaking please fill out the details at https://forms.gle/eqFV9RQz5uefnmqY6
• For any queries or general feedback/suggestions please email us at boston.secmeetup@gmail.com
Code of Conduct - Adapted from DEF CON's CoC Page.
Boston Security Meetup (BSM) provides a forum for open discussion between participants, where radical viewpoints are welcome and a high degree of skepticism is expected. However, insulting or harassing other participants is unacceptable. We want BSM to be a safe and productive environment for everyone. It’s not about what you look like but what’s in your mind and how you present yourself that counts at BSM.
We do not condone harassment against any participant, for any reason. Harassment includes deliberate intimidation and targeting individuals in a manner that makes them feel uncomfortable, unwelcome, or afraid.
Participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately. We reserve the right to respond to harassment in the manner we deem appropriate, including but not limited to expulsion and referral to the relevant authorities.
This Code of Conduct applies to everyone participating at BSM - from attendees and exhibitors to speakers, press, volunteers, and Organizers.
Anyone can report harassment. If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, you can contact an Organizer.
Remember: The Meetup is what you make of it, and as a community we can create a great experience for everyone.
(BSM is not in any way affiliated with DEF CON or any of its subsidiaries. Original copy of their CoC can be found at https://defcon.org/html/links/dc-code-of-conduct.html)