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What we’re about

The membership of the Crone's Hearth is at full capacity at the moment - with a waiting list of those wanting to join.

I am sorry for any disappointment caused but our participant maximum is 25 and our events are now getting fully booked weeks in advance. Obviously, if that situation changes, we will welcome new members again. We now automatically lapse members who have not attended a meeting for 6 months in order to create space for those already on the waiting list. If you would like to follow us, we have a face book page of the same name where we post on a fairly regular basis.

The Crone's Hearth is a warm and friendly group who meets eight times a year to celebrate the cycle of the seasons. At our meetings we explore the meaning, traditions and activities associated with each of the major festivals of the pagan year. We aim to provide an overview of our ethics, beliefs and practices to those who feel drawn to a Wiccan or old craft spiritual path and want to learn more. We also want to create an opportunity for solitary practitioners in the area to meet others of a like mind in order to exchange knowledge and experiences. 
While we are a public group and welcome newcomers, we do ask that members exercise discretion and respect that other members of the group may wish to keep their involvement in the Craft private.  We are all on first name terms at the gatherings, but it is up to the individual to decide whether they wish to use their full name.   This is why we do not allow members of the media or academia to attend our meetings in a professional capacity or to permit anyone to take photographs, screenshots or reproduce the information shared without express permission,

Upcoming events (4+)

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