Read any book you want to and meet up to talk about books, simple! Read as much or as little as you want it's really a conversation group so if you've not finished that 500 page biography it's all good.
*The meetup is at Three Mile brewing note below for directions.
Honorable mentions from the previous meetup:
The Peasants, Reymont
Remembering Peasants, Joyce
In Dubious Battle, Steinbeck
The Warmth of Other Suns, Wilkerson
Water more or Less, Sudman
The Murals of John Pugh, Pugh
Paul Sanchez, Graw
The Decision Point, Houghton,
Natural Beauty, Huang
Middlemarch, Elliot
---Film, Musicals and TV---
Kindred, 2022
Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson, 2008
*How to find the meetup:
Three Mile Brewing is behind Temple Coffee and somewhat hidden down an alley off of G Street. To find the group look for a stack of books on the table. By 6pm parking is free in the area.