What we’re about

• WHAT ARE WE? We are a small Central London based war party (i.e. bunch of mates) of like minded individuals interested in tabletop gaming, entertainment and adventuring, looking to socialise and roll dice in pleasant company with good humour over casual conversation. Away from the burn of every day work/life.
• WHAT DO WE PLAY? We play a vast eclectic assortment of card, miniatures and boardgames from casual ameritrash to deep thinking euros; Agricola to Zombicide, Avalon to Werewolf, Age Of Empires to Scythe etc. Alongside gaming we also participate in cinema, escape rooms, eating out, outdoor events & activities. We're also known for play-testing new game mechanics and prototypes for gaming companies and independent designers. In fact, several of our members are in the gaming industry.
• WHAT ARE WE LOOKING FOR? We are seeking other like minded adventurers who are reliable, sensible & amicable and looking to join a social circle as well as a gaming group. Membership is free, there are no costs or joining fees. All we ask in return is for you to leave your 'troubles' at the doorstep and de-stress from a long days work over a boardgame without drama or maintenance.
• DO I NEED ANY BOARDGAMING EXPERIENCE? Not at all. All we ask is for the ability to learn & pick up new games esp advanced and modern games with the right attitude and respect to other members. We do not play simple commercial games such as Snakes & Ladders, Monopoly, Cluedo etc.
• HOW DO I JOIN? Please message an organiser or send us a joining request for a 2 month trial membership as we often play at private residences and not just public houses/locations. Please, do consider if you can actually attend before joining.
• ANY REGULAR LOCATIONS? We have regular weekly public gaming venues in Wandsworth, London SW18 as well as our own private residences around the local area.
• COOL, SOUNDS GOOD. ANYTHING ELSE I NEED TO KNOW? We are a PRIVATE group of mates, not an open forum or a public service. As such we're aiming to remain small and retain the circle-of-friends atmosphere as opposed to a crowded room filled with random strangers arguing over dice rolls. All members must display a true, genuine photo of themselves on Meetup so we know who to expect and look for when they attend. Fake names/photos/profiles will be automatically dismissed. If you think we are for you then get in touch, we're always on the look out for the right individuals with the right attitude. The password to apply for a trial membership is 'DeathAdder'.
If you would like to find out more, please scroll down.

Additional Info (you don't need to read any further, but if you insist :)
• WHAT ARE THE EVENTS LIKE? Being a private members group everyone knows each other and it is a very warm fun atmosphere in an enjoyable safe environment. It is more like a social circle of friends sharing similar interests, humour and hobbies than a random gaming club where you don't know the person you're rolling dice with. Something to bear in mind if you are interested in our group :)
• WHY ARE YOUR EVENT LOCATIONS AND MEMBERS HIDDEN? We often host events at our own homes. Would you want the world to know where you live?
• WHO CAN JOIN? We have a very diverse demographic ranging from age, gender, profession and ethnicity. We do attract a lot of females, professionals and academics due to our safeguarded environment and security attitudes, but absolutely anyone can register interest so long as you are of the right persuasion and character. Please message an organiser if you have any further questions.